Chapter 22: Hosts and Hostages

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(A/N: I'm apologizing in advance for the plot line, it's a bit of a mess by the end of this chapter. XD)

(Your POV)

"Whoa." John was the first to speak as Sherlock and I stood there in awe of the ballroom. I had thought the restaurant was huge, but this place certainly took the prize. The ceiling arched impossibly high, adorned by extravagant chandeliers. The walls were littered with artwork- each piece was worth a fortune, no doubt. Whoa, just... Whoa.

"Good evening, sirs and madam." A voice snapped all of us from our thoughts. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Alexander Wellington stood before us, flashing a charming smile.

I recovered from my stupor first. "Katherine O'Reilly." I said, curtsying. Alexander grinned and took my right hand gently.

"It is a pleasure, Miss O'Reilly. I must say, you look absolutely breathtaking" He kissed my hand, and I thanked him. I felt Sherlock stiffen beside me. As Alexander lowered my hand and straightened back up, Sherlock wrapped his arm around my waist protectively.

"Colin O'Reilly." He interjected with a cold undertone. He gave Alexander's hand a shake, perhaps a tad too firmly. Alexander winced as he pulled away. "Katherine's husband."

Alexander's face fell a little bit as I intertwined my hand with Sherlock's, subtly showing off our 'wedding' rings. But within a second, he had pulled himself back together and regained his composure. "A pleasure. And you are, sir?" He turned politely to John.

"Connor Murphy." John said with an even voice and a tight smile. "CEO of Cumberbatch Incorporated."

"Ah!" Alexander's face lit up. "You must be the representatives! I must say, I've been looking forward to meeting you all."

"It's our pleasure." I have to say, John can be a convincing actor when he needs to be.

"Do you mind if I borrow your wife for a moment?" Alexander was addressing Sherlock now, who returned the question with a steely look. His jaw clenched, and I knew he was planning on refusing.

I spoke up before Sherlock could answer- I might be able to find something out that would help with the case. I mentally checked to make sure I had turned my microphone on already. I had. "Absolutely." Sherlock glared at me, but I just returned it with a sweet smile. Giving his hand a small squeeze of reassurance, I took Alexander's arm and headed off towards the left with him.

"So, Mrs. O'Reilly." He began the conversation once we were out of earshot, but he never stopped our leisurely walking pace. "I heard your performance earlier this evening, and I must say, I was extremely impressed. Where did you learn to play like that?"

I blushed at his compliment and answered truthfully. "I taught myself." I allowed myself a moment to deduce his behavior. "But I trust you didn't steal me away just to compliment my musical abilities, Mr. Wellington."

For the first time in a while, Mycroft spoke up in my ear. "Good- you know where to lead the conversation, (Y/n)." I nodded slightly, knowing that they had secret cameras set up all around the place. Somewhere, in an observation van, Mycroft and Lestrade would see the movement.

"Ah, yes." Alexander laughed lightly. "You are as intelligent as you are beautiful, Katherine. And please, call me Alexander." I had to keep myself from cringing at the sound of my fake name- I was going to have to get used to answering to it.

"Thank you, Alexander." I kept my tone formal and polite, waiting for him to continue the conversation. I risked a glance behind me- Sherlock and John had made their way over to the drinks table. John was chatting away with a redhead, and Sherlock was staring at me intensely, his face slightly furious.

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