Chapter 13: Reunion

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            Everything was fuzzy.  Dawn couldn't focus on where she was. It was like she was looking through a film.  She felt light, as if she was floating through space.  She could see the temple.  There was a fight going on.  Kai and Ethan had broken free of their restraints and were dueling together against Nullens while Agent Zero was attacking Teras.  Dawn looked down at the pillar where she had stood and saw her lifeless body resting on the cold stone.  Dawn remembered what happened.  She stumbled back in shock as she recalled the event of her demise.  The agent had killed her.  She didn't understand why.  Wasn't she supposed to be her protector?

            "No."  Dawn spun around to see her parents standing there smiling. 

            "Mom? Dad?"  Dawn cried and ran to her parents who embraced her in a tight hug. 

            "Shh, shh, we're here."  Her father stroked her hair. 

            "Dawn, listen to me. We won't have much time.  Teras is already fleeing."  Her mother said.  Dawn turned around to see Teras and Nullens escaping through one of the mirrors.  Upon their departure the mirror suddenly shattered into a million pieces so the agent couldn't follow them.  

            "What do you mean? We're dead. We have eternity together, don't we?" Dawn asked in confusion.

            "No sweetie, you're going back."

            Quick! The potion!  Dawn heard the distant echo of Ethan's voice shout out.  She watched as he pulled out the bottle of mystery potion she had given Mr. Watkins to examine. 

            "Dawn, we love you very much but you must be strong.  Agent Zero will protect you." Her father explained.

            "But she killed me." Dawn looked down at her body as Ethan poured the potion into her mouth.

            "She had to. It was the only way to shift ownership of the Grimoire of Honorius.  By doing that she disrupted the entire ritual."

            "But why?"

            "The ritual started with your name under the grimoire's allegiance.  He would have to start all over again if it changed ownership midway buying them time to attack."  Her mother explained.

            "But Dawn, this won't be the end.  Teras will be back and he will be angry.  He's very dangerous.  You must stay safe. Trust in Agent Zero, she will keep you safe even when it seems like she isn't. She's more important than you realize." Her father patted her on the shoulder.

            Come on, Dawn! Wake up!  Dawn saw Ethan shake her lifeless body in a desperate panic.   Kai kneeled on the other side of her body in stunned disbelief. 

            "Dawn," Her father took her attention again.  "We want you to know that no matter what happens, we are always with you.  Your future is a bumpy, winding road but we are looking out for you. You've made good friends and I'm very proud of you."

            "Anytime you feel sad or alone, know that you can always speak to us.  Being an Esper has its privileges." Her mother smiled.

            "Why didn't you tell me I was an Esper?"  Dawn held onto her mother's hands.

            "Because I wanted your abilities to come naturally, not expectedly.  I know that you will become a great Esper and a great witch.   Goodbye, sweetheart.  We love you very much."  Her mother said and kissed her on the cheek.

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