Chapter 10: Battle of the Classes

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“Alright, everyone.  Your potions should be just about done so I’d like you to take a vial and turn it in at the front of the room.”  Mr. Watkins instructed the class.  Shadoe and Dawn were working together on their antidote they had been working on.  Dawn put a stopper on the vial and put it in the tray on Mr. Watkins’ desk.  “Now, before we end class I have an announcement to make about this year’s Class Tournament.”  

“Class Tournament?”  Dawn whispered in confusion.

“It’s a school-wide event that they have at the end of every year.” Ethan explained. 

“It’s really cool.”  Eugene added.  They continued to listen to Mr. Watkins. 

“The tournament will consist of three main events and each class will participate in various teams.   The first event, as usual, will be the good ol’ fashioned game of Broom Tag. All classes will compete at once.  Each of you will have a flag tied to your broom.  The object of the game is to steal as many other flags from the opposite team as quick as possible.  Everyone will participate in this event.”  He emphasized.  “The second event is a scavenger hunt.  There will only be teams of two.  Each class searches for a different object.” The class murmured about what they thought they would need to find.  “The final event is new this year. It’s an Obstacle Course and according to Principal Crane, it will be very exciting. Each class will have one team of six delegates representing their class. The tournament will take place directly after final exams.  All of your parents are invited and many of the townsfolk will join in the festivities.  This is an important tradition at our school and I've been instructed to warn you about," He cleared up his throat and held up a memo, "misbehavior and thoughts of shenanigans during the tournament will result in immediate and strict punishment."  He put the paper down.  "But I say have fun."  He smiled and the class giggled just as the bell rang.  "Class dismissed."  Everyone got up from their seats to leave but Dawn walked up to him.   

"Mr. Watkins?" She asked.

"Ah, Dawn.  I'm sorry, I still am not sure about the potion.  However, I feel I'm getting close.  Don't worry."  He patted her on the shoulder.  

"Thanks, Mr. Watkins."  She left to join her friends.

"When are they announcing the teams for the obstacle course?"  Eugene asked as he sat with Dawn, Ethan, and Shadoe at lunch that day. 

"The day of."  Ethan answered. 

"That's only two weeks from now."  Shadoe said and Ethan nodded.  

"You'd think they wouldn't want to pressure us so much with studying for finals."  Dawn sighed.

"That's the whole point of it.  To relieve all the stress of studying and have fun." Eugene explained with excitement.  "I hope I'm chosen for the obstacle course! It would be so cool to represent the entire first year class!" 

"Eugene, if your representing us then I wouldn't count on winning."  Shadoe took a bite of her sandwich. 

"You don't believe I could do it?"

"Are you kidding?  No one does!" Kai's voice came from behind them.   

"Go away, Kai."  Ethan glared. 

"No." Kai sat down with them.  "So the Bridgestone Rejects are planning to represent the first year class?"  He sat down with them. 

"No one is planning it, there's no choice in the entire tournament."  Shadoe rolled her eyes.

"Upset that you can't show off, Misturry?" 

"No, I'd rather not participate at all." 

"Liar, you'd love all that attention and glory."

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