Chapter 5: The Willows Moon

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For the next few weeks, things returned to normal.  Ethan and Dawn were frequently in each other’s company, Kai and Shadoe continued to argue, Eugene still tagged along and babbled on about pointless things while Rosaline continued to fight for Ethan’s attention.  However, Ethan was taking more of a stand against Rosaline since he found out about what she had done.  For the first time in a while, Dawn felt very content with her life at Bridgestone.  She even started to do better in her classes.  Life seemed relatively boring for her and she was happy it was.  She hoped it would stay that way.  However, as these things usually are, they rarely remain so.  

One day in Social Magicks class, Mrs. Underhill was particularly happy.  She was always a chipper lady but today she seemed more excited than usual.  Shadoe, on the other hand, seemed more agitated.  

“Good afternoon, class!” She greeted them.  “Today I have a very special announcement to make.”  Dawn saw Shadoe roll her head back in annoyance.  “The PTA, along with the support of the board of trustees, has decided to host a cultural festival this weekend in the town.  The festival is to promote cultural understanding between all kinds of magicks.  There will be food from around the world, shops, and performances all day long.  All students will attend the festival and write a three page report on the events you attended, what you learned, and their impact on you.”  Leland’s hand shot up. 

“Can we get extra credit?”  He laughed.

“By volunteering you can.  Please see me after class if you want to volunteer.” 

“What about people forced to do it?”  Shadoe muttered.  Dawn looked at her in confusion but Shadoe shook her head to signal they would talk about it later.  Mrs. Underhill began passing out papers with the fliers of the event and essay guidelines.  

"This event is to be the first of its kind and I'm very excited to have our school be a part of it.  With that said, Principal Crane has asked me to remind all first years that what you do in the public eye is reflected on the school."  She looked at the transfers.  Shadoe rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair.  

"Mrs. Underhill."  Rosaline put her hand up.  "What exactly can we expect to see at the festival?"   

"We'll be seeing cultures from all over the world; fairies, elves, goblins, vampires, the Belanbar."   Shadoe suddenly scoffed and everyone turned to her.  

"Sorry, something in my throat."  She faked coughed and looked away.  Her eyes met with Kai who was glaring at her.  She made a face at him before turning back to Mrs. Underhill who was continuing on. 

"Espers, satyrs, mermaids, banshees, encantandos, and even the Rimanis."   Kai suddenly scoffed and everyone turned to him. 

"Sorry," He looked at Shadoe. "something in my throat." He glared and Shadoe rolled her eyes at him.  Dawn looked down at the flier in her hands and over the list of events.  Dawn tried to count how many people she had met from each race but couldn't even get to her second hand.  Her life before Bridgestone had been so sheltered, hardly anyone of non-witch blood lived in the small town she had before.  She felt excited to see them but at the same time she felt angry at the ignorance she had been living in. 

At dinner that evening Shadoe grumpily ate her food. Dawn, Ethan, and Eugene watched her  consume all that was around her in a violent rage. 

"So, what's on your mind, Shadoe?"  Ethan asked. 

"Nothing, I'm hungry." She ripped off piece of bread with her teeth.  

"It kind of looks more like your massacring the food." Eugene's eyes widened as he gulped from fear. 

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