Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Guess what we’re doing now?” Davey skipped along the sidewalk in front of Carly after they’d left the bakery.

“What?” Carly wouldn’t play the game, but she looked less anxious than she had the previous day. Non-school days seemed easier on her. She’d even eaten half of her petit-four. It felt like progress.

“What has lots of people and marching and music and candy?”

“A Halloween football game?”

“A parade, silly.” Davey grinned and danced around her friend. “There’s one starting in ten minutes.”

“Crap.” Carly rubbed her forehead, “I didn’t realize that was today.”

“What? The parade?” Davey twirled around, feeling her skirt twisting around her legs.

“You’ve noticed the posters and banners and stuff around town?” Carly pointed to the long burgundy and grey banner hanging from the lamppost. Davey glanced up at it. She hadn’t been paying attention. She’d written off the crowds as typical weekend revelry.

“Nope. What’s that all about?”

“It’s Dedication Day.” Carly chewed on her lower lip.

“What’s that?”

“It’s the day the town celebrates the Fenton. Well, the Parks celebrate the Fenton. Dries like me are allowed, but this celebration isn’t about us.” Carly followed Davey to a patch of grass under a row of trees. They settled into a sitting position and watched as people gathered along the sides of the main road. “I don’t think this is the type of parade your expecting.”

“Parades are happy. You just don’t know it yet, Carly!” Davey leaned back against the tree and patted her friend’s knee “Just wait. You’ve never been to a parade with me before.”

The atmosphere in the crowd surrounding them was excited. People were congregating together. Groups of girls stood giggled and gossiped. Groups of teenage boys teased them and dashed away. From here, Davey could see Joy and her friends gathering near the corner across from the bakery. Each held a stick with a golden brown ball stuck in the end.

“What the hell are they eating?” She squinted.

“Carmel apples.” Carly looked at her skeptically. “You’ve never had one? But you eat everything.”

“Everything tastes so delicious! What’s a caramel apple?”

“It’s an apple and it’s covered in caramel.” Carly said slowly, almost smirking.

“I have to try that! Where would I find one?”

“There’s a cart over there that sells them.” Carly nodded towards a small-wheeled cart set up on the corner a block away.

“I’m totally going to get one. Are you okay to stay here or do you want to come with?”

“I’ll stay here. I don’t want to get any closer to Joy than I have to.”

“I’ll be right back.” Davey jumped up and skipped down the street, ducking between happy smiling people. In less than a minute, she was standing in the ridiculously long line for the tasty treat. She waited impatiently, bouncing on her toes until she was standing in front of a man wearing a crimson and black striped uniform. His long black mustache was waxed into a curl that made his smile seem even wider. His white teeth glowed.

“Hello, pretty girl. What can I get you?” His voice was full of laughter.

“Oh my…” Davey stared at the row of apples behind the glass. Some were just caramel, others had coloured toppings or tiny marshmallows embedded in the thick toffee. “I’ve never had one before. Which one is the very best one?”

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