Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

“I hate to sounds like a broken gramophone, but what the hell is going on here?” Davey asked through a giant smile as she sunk back down to the grass, her best friend at her side. She took Carly’s hand and held it in her lap. Carly looked so full of life, so much more than when she’d actually been alive. “Carly’s one of you?”

“She is now.”

“How did that happen? It’s not like you guys spent a lot of time together on Blosher. You wouldn’t even have found her without me.” Davey couldn’t stop looking at Carly.

“Like the Veils, we operate through subterfuge.” Sinder smiled, “It would have looked extremely suspicious if I had made my way to Carly’s house. So I convinced you to bring her to me instead.”

“Sneaky, sneaky.” Davey shook her head. “But how could you recruit her if that was the only time you interacted with her?”

“Recruitment is done after death. You can’t exactly sit someone who’s still alive down and explain to them that when they die, you’ll be there to give them a job.”

“That would have totally freaked me out.” Carly grinned.

“We make sure to introduce ourselves to our subjects. Make sure to get friendly with them so that when they come over, they recognize us. It usually makes the transition easier. That’s the plan at least.”

‘It works.” Carly confirmed, “It was easy to agree to believe that this was all real coming from Sinder, someone I trusted.”

“So now you’re a full blown member of the Provenance?”

“I, sure am. A beginner, a total novice, but a member none the less.”

“And she’s not the only one.”

“You keep alluding to me being one of you. But I’m not. I’m a member of the Commune. I’m a Traveler. I don’t belong here.”

“That’s because you’ve forgotten how it started.” Sinder indicated the small bowl still sitting at Davey’s feet. “Drink that. It will help you remember.”

“Please, Damhnait. We need to you to remember that you were supposed to be one of us.”

“If I was supposed to be, how come I’m not? How did I end up as a member of the Commune?”

“Drink, please.” Sinder held up the bowl.

“Davey,” Carly’s voice sounded so confident that it startled Davey “don’t be frightened. I want you to be in this with me. I finally understand my role. My purpose. And you should know yours too.”

Davey picked up the bowl and dipped her finger in the liquid. It was thick, almost like paint. The residue on her finger was a beautiful periwinkle. She touched her finger to her tongue. The serum coated her tongue in a not unpleasant way. Almost like melted chocolate. It tasted like candy and berries. And it filled her with light. She picked up the bowl and tipped it to her lips. It took only seconds to finish the contents.

“Now what?” She looked around at the people seated near her.

“Just concentrate and think about what you want to know.” Sinder’s voice was soothing, “Close your eyes. Now, go back. Don’t try to rush it. Think through some of your engagements from last year. Now last decade. Are you there?”

An image appeared before Davey like she was watching a movie. An engagement she’d completed fifteen years ago. She’d been Daliah, a fifty-year-old midwife on Ferosh, a land covered in sand and heat. Her body was cloaked in a long flowing gown, dark red hair peeking out from beneath the thin hood. Sweat was a regular part of life on this planet. She’d been tasked with the job of making sure this woman’s child was born successfully. To make sure it didn’t die from a tangled cord like it was supposed to. She’d forgotten that job completely. It hadn’t been remarkable in any way, but here it was like she had just completed it. In clear and perfect detail. “This is weird.” She mumbled to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2012 ⏰

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