Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

In a fog, Davey exited the Perkins’ house, not bothering to disguise the blood crushed into the left leg of her cords. The bird dug into the palm of her hand as she felt the tug of the Commune. Officially, her engagement was now complete, successful or not. Her body knew that it was time to go back. She couldn’t be pulled back without her totem, but it always felt the same as the end of any assignment, a tug telling her it was time to go home. She’d never tried to ignore it before and didn’t know how long she’d be able to.

“Damhnait,” A voice hissed from the side of the yard. “Damhnait!” Ajay moved into the light. He hurried over to her side, pressing a hand onto her arm.

“Take me home.” She leaned against his side, exhausted.

“To your hotel room?” Ajay wrapped an arm around her waist, his eyes drifting to the blood on her pants.

“No. My totem is there. I don’t know if I’ll be able to reject the summons if I’m near it. I‘m too weak. I won’t be able to fight it.” She glanced back towards the house as they walked away from the Dry Zone. “Monroe is here to make sure I don’t get off track. It’s too late now, but she’ll do whatever she needs to in order to complete her assignment. And that’s to get me back to the Commune to report to the Masters for my punishment.”

“She can’t take you.” Ajay pulled his soldier’s mask over his face as they stepped out onto the street.

“You need to show her what you showed me.” Davey gripped his arm. “She’d change her mind. She’d know! If she knows, she’ll help us.” Her voice became frantic.

“We can’t, Davey. We can’t show anyone. That was a one time viewing. It was meant only for you.”

“Why? Why can’t we show her? She’d understand. She’d come over to our side.”

“She’s not meant to know. You’re the one whose future was dependant on seeing what would happen.” His voice was low as he pulled her to a stop behind a fence. He pulled the bag of his back and found a jacket inside. He wrapped the arms around her waist. The fabric hung just long enough to cover the dark spots on her pants. “It wouldn’t work for her the same way.”

“You’re going to need to explain yourself better if you want me to keep doing what you say. I need to know exactly what you’re talking about.” She adjusted the jacket, “But first we need to find somewhere I can stay. Somewhere I can’t be found.”

“I know exactly the place. You’ll be completely safe there.”

“Can I shower there? Cause I need to get this off me. It feels like I’m covered in death.” Davey shrugged her emotions away, or at least she tried.

Ajay placed a hand on her back and led her towards the guard booth between the Dry and Parks Zones. A light came on in the tiny room as they stepped closer.

“Identification.” The voice sounded from behind the mask, its eyes trained on Ajay.

“Level 2 Ajay Massi. Zone clearance approved.” He handed over two identification cards. Davey noticed that the second one had her picture on it but was not the same orange card she’d found in her wallet. This one was a light lavender colour.


“Escorting a wayward Parks resident back to her family.” His eyes glanced down towards Davey, coloured with the same judgment and disdain as the other guard. Ajay glanced towards the man in the booth, “She’s been secretly dating a Dry. I’m taking her to the Frog.”

“Stupid little girl,” The guard in the booth mumbled. “Why you foolish children insist on breaking the rules is beyond me. You know the rules. You know you have to follow them.” He handed the cards back to Ajay. “On your way.”

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