Chapter 27

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Being back home was a relief, no over bearing doctors, or too close for comfort nurses. The closest thing was Iris being a bit over protective. But I guess that is more bearable than the nurses.

But I didn't expect an attack from Auntie Snixx.

I opened the door to find Clark who had this apologetic expression in his face.

"Sorry, Sebastian. I could hold them off for so long. Thad distracted the boys, but I managed to get here before her by a few minutes."



I could feel the blood drain from my face as Clark fled and was replaced by Santana.

"Hi Santana. How was your college life? Managed to get in?"

"Yes," She said. "But this isn't about me. This is about you. You get freaking stabbed and you don't text, you don't call..."


"And I had to find out from twiggy twink here..."


"The details so that I could come and scream at you myself."


"You don't freaking worry me like that after I found out that I found out from Tia that you got yourself freaking stabbed..."



"I'm sorry,"

"That's all you got to say?" Santana said. "I find out from the sunshine Warbler, that you get stabbed. And all you got to say is sorry?"

"You could at least let me finish."I said. I opened my arms and grabbed her in a hug. "I'm so sorry for getting you worried."

"I'm glad you're okay." She said. "So I want details, what happened?"

"I was an idiot. And I got stabbed by a seven year old girl."

She stared at me with wide eyes. "You got stabbed by a seven year old girl. Twink, you really need to grow some balls. How could you get stabbed by a seven year old girl?"

"I don't know." I said. "But I'm fine, don't worry."

"So, now that Auntie Tana is here in Central City, your Warblers are also here. So let's have some fun."


"Sebastian!" Nick, Jeff, Thad and Trent all but tackled me as soon as we got back to Clark's place. I cried in pain as one of them put a bit too much pressure on my abused side.

Automatically, Santana scolded the boys.

"You are going to kill him if you don't let him go." They all stepped back and trying again now one by one started to greet me again.

"You couldn't go a few months before getting into trouble, could you?" Thad teased. "Last year it was a broken arm, now you get stabbed? I should start putting you on a shorter leash."

"You could try Thad." I replied "What are you all doing here?"

"We came to see our favorite, Warbler."

"I believe Wes is in New York." I pointed out

Trent rolled his eyes. "Clark told Thad, who told Jeff who told Nick who told me. We had to see if you're okay."

"Well I think she grazed my kidney. But other than that, I'm fine."

"Good enough to have a little fun?" Clark asked raising a video camera. "Warbler Style?"

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