Chapter 23 | part 1

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Eliana determined to stay away from audiences for a few weeks, to allow time for Susa's rage to calm. There was no shortage of ways to occupy herself – now nearly five moons through her pregnancy and with two children to keep out of trouble, there was always something that needed doing. She kept herself so busy that two weeks flew past almost without her notice.

'You need to take more care of yourself, my lady,' Mari warned. 'If you do not rest enough, you'll do the baby harm.'

'The baby is fine, Mari,' smiled Eliana. 'I don't have time for rest – Sarri has the energy of a young gazelle, and Kisuri needs constant attention. When they are not placing demands on me, Samsu is – he always wants some new song, or my take on a problem in the city, or... some other form of relief.'

'I know you feel fine, but I'd feel better if you would take some tonic.'

The worry on Mari's face was enough to get Eliana to agree. The girl chewed at her lip, and her brows knitted together in concern. 'If you really think it will help, I will.'

Mari twisted her fingers together nervously. 'I'll bring you some with your dinner.'

Eliana was anxious to soothe her. 'I really don't know what I'd do without you looking after all three of us – you've been such a rock to me, through everything. If I ever have any real power, I promise I'll free you as soon as I can.' She gave a little laugh, 'perhaps you can even go off and marry your gardener! Kisha mentioned that you were seeing somebody.'

To her great surprise, Mari's eyes filled with tears. 'Excuse me, please, my lady,' she mumbled, darting off to her room.

Whatever was the matter with her? Eliana wondered. Perhaps things have gone wrong with her gardener – I won't mention him again. Not for a while, anyway.

When the girls were in bed and she brought Eliana's dinner that evening, Mari looked more unwell than ever. Her skin was pale, her eyes wide and feverish. 'Are you alright?' Eliana asked, concerned.

'Fine, my lady,' came the short answer as Mari poured liquid from a clay jug into a red glazed drinking bowl.

'You don't look at all healthy.'

'I'm fine. Really.' Mari passed the bowl to Eliana with shaking hands.

Taking the bowl, she raised it to her nose. For a split second, she was almost sure she saw Mari flinch. Perhaps she had imagined it.

She took a deep breath; inhaling the fresh sweet smell of the tonic. 'It smells delicious, what's in it?'

'Just some herbs and fruits, my lady,' she mumbled.

Eliana lifted the bowl to drink. Just before the liquid touched her lips, Mari let out a strangled cry and leapt forward, slapping the bowl from her hands and making her jump. It tumbled to the floor, shattering on the tiles.

Thoroughly taken aback, she was stunned into silence for a moment as Mari fell to her knees and curled into a ball, sobbing.

'Mari – what on earth...?'

The slave girl shook her head and sobbed harder. Eliana knelt on the floor before her and took her hands. 'You can tell me,' she said, kindly. 'Was it poisoned?' She forced the words out calmly, but her heart hammered. She prayed Mari would not have done such a thing.

Her heart plummeted as Mari nodded miserably.

'But... I trusted you. Why would you do it?' She asked in bemusement.

'S – Susa,' she gasped out, trying to calm herself.

'Hush – breathe deeply, then tell me.'

Taking long, shuddering breaths, Mari took a few minutes to bring herself under control. Eliana felt sick – there were only three people in the palace that she felt she could trust, and one of them had betrayed her already. She thought hard, trying to work out how she might have offended Mari, why the girl might have tried to harm her.

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