Chapter 29 - Finale

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As soon as the sun was fully risen, she sent for Mari.

They sat together on the bed, closing the door and shutting out the rest of the world. As Eliana whispered the details of the plan, Mari was first horrified, then thrilled; she lapsed into thoughtful silence for a moment.

'It must be quick, potent,' she murmured. 'It would not do for him to have time to recover. A few years ago, I would not have believed it possible that we could kill him, but now... his health is much weakened as a result of his leg. We must give him enough to be a fatal dose, but not so much that he can taste it... this will be a risky operation, Your Highness.'

'I know,' said Eliana. 'But if we succeed – and we must succeed – it will mean freedom for all of us.' She gave Mari a meaningful look. A slow smile spread across her friend's face as she took the implication. 'So, I can trust you?' asked Eliana.

'To the death, my queen,' said Mari. 'Leave it with me – I'll get what we need.'


A messenger was dispatched to Samsu, begging him to attend a dinner with his queen and his son. The prince was eager to hear more of his military exploits, he was told. Eshu was showing much promise as a soldier and strategist, and would benefit from hearing more of his father's victories.

It was half the truth. Eshu was indeed growing into a brilliant young man, and showed a great deal of interest in military successes and defeats, studying what had happened to bring about the final results. He thought the world of his father, though the incident with his mother and sisters had shaken his confidence in the king somewhat.

But he was delighted at the prospect of this quiet dinner with both his parents, reconciling them to harmony and accord, he thought.

If all went according to plan, it was Eshu that Eliana felt she would pity. The child would witness the death of the man he believed to be his father, and then have the weighty responsibilities of kingship thrust upon him. The murder of Samsu would also bring about the end of the boy's childhood. Though she consoled herself with the thought that his carefree days would have come to an end on his tenth birthday anyway, when he would be removed from the nursery and begin his training as king-in-waiting and a soldier in earnest.

A date was set, and the days leading up to it began to crawl by. Eliana found it more and more difficult to go about her daily routine as the event loomed, casting its dark shadow of anxiety over her more intensely with every passing hour.

On the day itself, when it finally arrived, she was a fidgeting nervous wreck.

Mari recognised it immediately, feeling the same way herself; though she would have no actual part in the assassination attempt, the powdered aconite sitting innocuously in its small clay jar amongst the rest of her medicines seemed to scream out to her.

She approached Eliana cautiously, 'My queen, it is a beautiful day. Perhaps I could persuade you to join the girls and I in a picnic out in the gardens? If you have no more pressing duties, of course. They are so disappointed about not being invited to dinner with their father tonight, I thought that this might cheer them up.'

Eliana smiled gratefully. She was sure that she would not be able to eat a thing, her stomach was in such turmoil, but the chance to escape her rooms, get out under the sky and spend some time with her girls was too good to pass up. 'Yes, thank you, Mari. I believe I will. I have no engagements today that cannot be cancelled.'

Dismissing the servants, she changed into simpler clothes and plain braided leather sandals, tying her hair back with a ribbon and leaving all her jewels and face paints to gather dust on her dresser. She felt lighter, freer – the years dropped away, with their weight of memory, responsibility and trauma, and it was as if she was once more that simple young girl, just a couple of years older than Sarri, who would run and climb and speak without a second thought.

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