23. Indulgant

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A/N: Happy Friday folks! I would apologise for this chapter, but I won't, not at all, it is super indulgent. *giggles* Lots of feels, and maybe some "moments"...you'll see! Anyway I hope you enjoy AND please vote and review it if you did.


Heat prickles up my back, and my hair - my wild, messy, unruly, hair - knots in damp tangles. It sticks to the heat of my flushed skin. I'm trembling and the only reason I have not keeled over in my delirious exertion, is due to the strong hand that clamps possessively around my hip as it gentle forces me against him.

I feel his body jerk upwards, his pelvis arching into mine, his muscles twitching excitedly at reaching their release. These are the small things that I always comprehend first, when that brief but all consuming moment of pleasure fades. It is like slowly emerging from a wonderful blissful bubble all dazed and rumpled, and unable to form coherent words or think in straight lines.

In this haze like state - probably intensified by the fact that I have not seen or touched Thranduil in weeks - I find my head thrown back and my breath coming in deep gasps. Well, so much for making him suffer! It is alarming how easy I can be bribed and cajoled into pleasuring him when there is exquisite jewels freely given.

Who am I kidding? I have thoroughly enjoyed this little reunion because I have missed him, alarmingly so! The necklace is just a very appreciated bonus, and I accept that as an appropriate apology gift.  I eventually begin to sift through my many layers of satisfaction and smugness - because I am more than a little pleased with myself - until I let my eyelids flutter open and an ecstatic grin makes its way across my pink tinged face.

We are bathed in a warm glow from the candelabra left on the bedside table, and I can't help but liken it to the harmony of our bond, as it flows deeply between us in this state of connectedness. That warm and lingering heat that kindles a slow burning fire, it's not something I ever tire of feeling.

When I let my senses sprawl out I am pleased to find Thranduil still in the fading throes of our passionate release. I adore seeing him like this, to see him wild and in the moment with me, passionate and free from burdens. It is times like this that I am reminded it is just us, no-one else, just us and our bond, like it was in the beginning. I watch on with an admittedly raw and lustful gaze. Watching as his hand, which had been clamped on the wooden head of our bed, slackens along with the rest of his body as he melts back into our disarray pillows. His sighs of pleasure begin to quieten and return to nothing more than breathless mutterings, as his lips part and I am overpowered with the urge to kiss him.

My lips have a will of their own as they meet his in a searing kiss, that does very little to reduce my heart rate or bring my breathing down to a reasonable level. I feel Thranduil's fingers entwine through my hair and his smile through our kiss. He lets out another smouldering moan that sends a shot of desire up my spine, and I marvel at how quickly I want him again, but I will refrain for I do have his undivided attention now and I will make use of it.

"Mm, meleth come here, I am not finished with you yet," Thranduil practically purrs when I begin to pull away from our kiss. His eyelashes brush mine as his hypnotic eyes lull me into giving into his request, and our lips brush again. I feel his throaty laughter emanate from the depths of his chest when I dither over ending this embrace, and so he does it for me. "I know that indecisive look...what is it?" He asks, and I grin in response, tapping my nose playfully with his as I stretch out comfortably on the flaming heat of his body, enjoying the sensation of skin against skin, and the slight joyous roll of his eyes.

"Are you satisfied my King?" I ask lightly as I trace the shape of his jaw with my fingers, lingering on his bottom lip.

"I am," Thranduil responds with a raised eyebrow, because I only ever refer to him as 'My King' when I am attempting to irritate him, or when I want something.

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