45. Immortal

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Here we are my wonderful friends and followers...the final chapter.

Please read on for the epilogue and final author note.

So, for the last time, please read and enjoy...and if you loved please vote, comment, share, or Review!

Media: 'Final Light' by Philip Lobar
A fitting piece chosen by morganrachel01 - a much cherished reader.



'Some Legends are told. Some turn to Dust or to Gold...
...But you will Remember Me...
....Remember Me for Centuries.'

Lyrics by Fall Out Boy

Gilron fusses on the hems of my silk dress, grumbling that she thinks they are just a smidgen too long, whilst delicately cinching the fabric lengths between her fingers and guiding the pleats to the floor so they literally sit to perfection. I would give her a fond glance and tsk if I was allowed to move my head at all, but Ollie is working on the her final masterpiece...my hair.

It has grown a little since it was brutally sliced off, and I will admit I am terribly insecure about it, but Ollie - being the resourceful perfectionist that she is - had been determined to make it so beautiful that, in her words, 'all the ellith will be wishing they had short hair just so they could style it like yours.'

I will admit she has practically outdone herself this time, for somehow she has managed to twine my hair up in a way that gives the illusion that it has length, and leaving the longest and lightest wisps to fall softly around my face to frame it. Currently she is rearranging blooms carefully through the tiniest braids around the crown of my head, which sets off the shimmering mithril headdress, that looks like intertwining flowers, to absolute perfection, if I do say so myself.

"Ladies, are we nearly ready?" a familiar voice asks and a head pops around the corner. I grin broadly at Olben who seems to be on Grandpa duty, as Arathiel and Aranir shove past him in their excitement and straight up to their mother.

"Nana! Nana! Is it time?" they both chime in unison and she patiently pats them both on their heads.

"Nearly, my darlings," she promises them, as she steps away from me to observe her handiwork. Her tell tale purse of the lips lets me know she is satisfied.

"Auntie Clara, you are beautiful!" Arathiel swoons and clasps her hands together in wonderment.

"Uncle Thranduil is going to be grumpy if you do not hurry up," Aranir grumbles and tugs my hand impatiently, "the food is going to get all cold."

"Children!" Gilron scolds sternly as she shoos them away from my dress, "patience is a virtue, now let your Nana finish helping the Queen."

"It is quite alright Gilron," I chuckle and wink at Aranir, "I am absolutely starving too, we'll only be a minute, why don't you two run ahead and tell your grumpy uncle we are on our way."

With a slew of excitable giggling the two scamper out the doorway and back to the Great Hall, where the whole Kingdom has come together to celebrate our victory in the forest, and to see for themselves that their Queen is alive and very much in command.

"You should not encourage them to use such casual endearments, Clara," Gilron sighs, but I can see the absolute delight in her face, so I know that she really doesn't mind at all. Besides, they are all the closest thing that Thranduil and I have left in this world.

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