Final Author Note

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Wow Guys!!

So I started this story a whole three years ago - THREE YEARS MAN! And in that time so much has changed in my life - a lot of which I owe to this story and to the great platform of fanfiction.

As I write this 'To Live Again' is being rewritten to an original piece for publication and it has also inspired me to throw myself headlong in to developing my own legendarium and trilogy of stories. Without this story and the absolutely amazing support it received from the fandom - all you guys and others from further afield - I would never have dared to be different. There has been some hate and nasty trolls, but in all honesty, I think they only succeeded in encouraging me to write all the more. However, that does not take away from the kind words, the courage of other users to stand up against bullies, and genuine people who stood by me (and Clara) through the lows.

I have had the absolute honour and privilege to befriend and work with some awesome writers on this website and beyond. 'To Live Again' is now a featured story for a charity known as 'official-visible' and as of now I am now a contributor for the organisation - an organisation that aims to include more disabled, ill, or troubled characters to the forefront of literature. As many of you know TLA has a lot of those themes throughout the various stages of the book and tackles some sensitive issues, so I am immensely proud to be included in this amazing campaign.

The campaign is mainly based on wattpad, so look it up guys, you might see me pop up from time-to-time in the future.

In all seriousness, to each and every one of you who has commented, voted, and shared the story over the course of this trilogy  - thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for taking a chance, for dealing with my teething problems, for ignoring my very raw and shady writing (I have been learning as I go).

Never in my wildest imagination did I believe that 'To Live Again' would have accumulated almost 1 million views, 2.5kplus reviews, countless comments, and so many followers and favourites...and an award to boot.

When I started this fanfcition I honestly though - "This is insane...NO ONE is going to understand this let alone read it."  Man! How wrong was I? To the guys who joined me on this journey back in January 2014 you all need to get medals and be called heroes.

Sometimes I cringe with embarrassment when I read back those old chapters...thank goodness for improvement...but, I think that is the sentimental attachment with you guys. 

You have been there and watched me grow up and sometimes your little encouragements were the only things keeping me going. Never underestimate the power of positivity and the use of your words on writers on these kinds of websites - you might be the only person they hear from all day.

To every reader, old and new, thank you for joining me and being apart of this experiment.  I will never ever forget any of you! You are all immortals to me (so cheesy but it is true).

So. with all my love and every blessing and positive thought under the sun I leave you the end.

Love CJ xoxoxox


So, instead of trying to reply to questions that I am sure you will have about the story (or whatever) I was wondering if you guys want to ask your questions via the comments and I will post a chapter up to answer any queries regarding sequels, points in the story, or what Thranduil's favourite colour is and if Clara ever made that dress?

Just a fun Q&A to celebrate the end of an era haha.

Honestly ask whatever you want about the characters lol - that'll be fun because they always have smart ass replies for me XD

To Live Again: Waiting Between Worlds {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now