(25) Trusting Danger

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"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them

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"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."

-Ernest Hemingway

Marina kept a close eye on the chestnut-haired beauty that her brother couldn't take his eyes off of

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Marina kept a close eye on the chestnut-haired beauty that her brother couldn't take his eyes off of. She witnessed the allure of her. Hell, even she felt drawn to stay by her side as they weaved through the panicking crowds in the halls of the arena.

But she was a Channel. She was dangerous. All it would take was a second and she could use their powers against them.

Marina stared at the back of the Channel's head. If she glared long enough, maybe she could hear her thoughts and know whose side she was on in all this. But as unfortunate as it was, she was no mind reader.

"Please, remain calm," the same announcer rang through the speaker. "No civilians have been harmed. Authorities are patrolling. Please, remain calm."

There was nothing calm about anything that was happening. Men were shoving past women, knocking them off of their feet to reach the exit first. Women were clawing at each other, pulling hair, screaming as they held their crying children. They shouldn't have brought their children to watch violence anyways, but Marina couldn't stop the ache that crept into her heart for a scared and helpless child.

Authorities were in fact scanning the area, guns out at the ready. There were so many panicked civilians, they seemed to blend in, no one giving them a second glance.

Colson nudged her side, reminding her that he was still there, right next to her if she needed him. She allowed herself to smile at him, a real true smile, because for the first time in two months, her heart didn't feel as heavy.

She had her brother back. Sure, they were still trying to leave the Pits, but she got to wrap her arms around him, she felt his warmth again when she had felt so cold. Everything was going to be okay, she knew it in her heart.

Blocking out the chaos surrounding her, she focused on the warmth that was thawing her frozen veins, letting it spread through her like wildfire. The hole that had been sucking her down, smothering her with its darkness, was gone. She was bathed in sunlight once again, and she was breathing fresh air.

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