Bad Pearl

116 8 3

Bad Pearl

Written by: Touko101



I pulled my jacket closer around me as the wind threatened to chill my bones. Winter was catching on fast as soft snowflakes fell around me. Adjusting the patch on my nose I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. They were bad for me, but I took the time to savor the taste it brought. It was a sharp sour taste that always made you want more.

Looking up I chuckled at the No Loitering sign above me. Was it really loitering if you're waiting for someone? Probably was but I really didn't care much anymore. Sighing I leaned back and let the cold steel of the pole chill me through my jacket. It was a very serene spot.

"Hello Mrs. Pearl," I heard a cheery voice yell to me as soft footprints approached. Looking down I saw the nerd herself, Connie Maheswaran approach me. Her glasses gleemed in the afternoon sun.

"Well hello there nerd, glad to see you here." I said as Connie came over and stood next to me."How's life treating you baby girl?"

"Life's going great thank you for asking P...

(Hey, Touko101, I don't really know which one you chose because you haven't set it as your cover so I just picked Version 1)

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