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''Owh....cheer up honey don't show a long face like that'' my most beloved mom tried to cheer me up.''Nothing will make me change,mom!!! just leave me alone''i told her while crossing my arms and making a grumpy face.'

'' must have missed your romantic boyfriend back in England,right?" my idiotic brother asked me.''Ha..ha very funny,Jason'' I told him with a fake laugh. I turned on my iPod and put on my earphones. I looked at the breath taking view of Washington.

Not that breath taking after all.

''Honey were here''mom told us while getting out of the car. I wish not to step foot on Washington but...I had to.''Wow!!mom...the house is huge''i told her while taking a view around my house.''I know!! its so beautiful''my mom told me.

''Football here I come!!!" Jason said while taking out his ball.''Oh look our new neighbour!" a lady wearing a flowery dress came out from her house.

''Hello!my name is Mrs.Thea Springsteen''she greeted us politely.''Nice to meet you Mrs. Springsteen my name is Mrs.Tiana Sebastian.''mom greeted her too.

''This is my daughter Bethany and my son Jason''mom introduced ourselves.''Nice to meet you Mrs. Springsteen''we greeted her.''Let me introduced you to my one and only daughter Levendra''she said while introducing her daughter.''Hi!" Levendra said while waving her hand.

''You guys can be best friends''mom told us.I chuckled a bit.

''Okay..I'll help your dad to unpack the guys talk while I'm gone'' she told me.''Come on,...umm what was your name again?"Levedra asked me.''Bethany''I answered her.''Oh yeah...I forgot ...come up to my room''she invited me.''Umm...sure''i agreed.

We went upstairs to her room.''Wow...your room looks so beautiful''I complimented her room. ''Thanks'' she thanked me. I took a look around her room. ''So your a big fan of Nathan Skyes,huh?''i asked her. ''Yup! isn't he the cutest guy ever!?"she asked me.''Hmm not really ....Austin Mahone is!!"I told her.

''No his not!!"she fought back.''Yes he is!!"I told her. Suddenly,we started fighting about which guy is cuter.

Suddenly,Mrs. Springsteen came in with a jug full of lemonade on her left and some cookies on her right hand.''Girls! I've brought some cookies and lemonade...hope so you like it''she said while putting them on levendra's

study table.

''Thanks,aunty!"I thanked her.''So wanna know the school's hottie?"she asked me while drinking a glass of lemonade.''Who is it ?''I asked her.''His name is Nick Alexander.''Wow!cool name''i told her.''And cool,cute,dreamy guy!!"she added.

It was getting dark so I decided to go back home.''Bye,Levedra''I hugged her.''Bye..and just call me Leven,okay?"she asked me.''All right!"I answered her.

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