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After maths class was over it was english...

''What do you have after maths?" I asked Eathen while packing up my things.''! what about you?'' he asked me.''English....''I told him.''To bad we don't have the same class...''he said sadly.''Oh yeah! why didn't you come to my-''.''Hey! babe''Nick said while hugging me.

"I'm warning you,toddler...never touch me!" I told him with a serious look.''Sorry..''he said.''What were you talking about,Eathen?" I asked him.''Umm..nothing! bye''he said while waving at me.''Bye!" I waved at him.

''What do you have next,babe?" Nick asked me.''Another warning toddler... never call me babe''i warned him.''Whatever...''he said.''Answer my question!" he asked me again.''English!!" I asked him.''Me too!!" he said happily.

Wow...I'm sooo happy.... -.-

"So what did you wanted to say just now?" he asked me again.''Emm..nothing...I just wanted to say that...umm-''.''Oh just spit it out!!" he shouted at me.''Fine!! does your mom call" I whispered at him.His face turned red.''Shhh!! keep that as a secret, okay?" he told me.''Oh...yes I will''i told him with a wicked smile.

Of course I will toddler.....Muhahahaha....PAY BACK TIME!!!

"Mind if I sit with you?" he asked me.''So...your mom's favorite child,huh?" I asked him.''One and only child'' he answered me.''Well...the right name for you isn't Nick but....TODDLER!!" I shouted.

"Owh...please call me baby''he asked me.''Never! I'll call you toddler for the rest of my life''i told him.''Whatever....''he said.

After english it was recess.

''Hey! can I hang out with you guys?" I asked him.''Your kindda weird but...Okay!" he agreed.

My plan ....
I go and hang out with his friend.
Then,sit beside Eathen
Then,place a kiss on his cheeks
Then,look at what reaction will Nick give me.

After taking food from two nerds again.....we sat down on the shady tree.''Where's Eathen?" I asked Nick.''He will be here soon''he answered me while taking a big bite of Burger.

''Hey!Amy'' Eathen greeted me with a smile.''Eathen!! I was waiting for you all the while you know that''I told him.''Owh! really....sorry for making you wait ''he apologized.''Its okay,babe!!" I told him excitedly

Wait!!! did I call Eathen ....Babe!?!?

I saw Eathen blushing a bit. Damit....did I say that word LOUDLY?!.''Eathen! come and sit closer'' I asked him.''Okay....''he said with a weird look.''You know what day is today?"I asked him franticly.''Umm..Tuesday" he answered me with a curios look.''My birthday!!!" I told him.

Seriously!?....why birthday?....besides its not even my birthday...

''Owh really!!! happy birthday!" he said happily. ''And for my birthday....I want to give you a present.''But... isn't it your birthday?... why are you giving me a present?" he asked me curiously. "Cos...your my best friend!"I answered him.

Honestly...Nick looked very,very jealous...

''Now...close your eyes..''I asked him. I know...I'm a little slutty..He did whatever I said. Than I placed a kiss on his cheek.''Awww... your blushing,Ethe''I told him.''So...Ethe is my new nickname?" he asked me. I nodded my head while taking a glance at Nick.

He was super pissed off. ''What's up,Nick?" I asked him. ''Nothing...''he answered while turning away.

My plan....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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