Meeting Fishy And Weasel

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I looked at the duo in front of us. They stared back at us. We weren't wearing our masks and they were tied to our thighs. We weren't wearing our cloaks but our ANBU attire was still on. Sakura had her hair tied in an upper pony tail while her baby cut covered her forehead. (Pic)
The duo were wearing their trademark black cloaks with red clouds. One had red eyes with a shuriken like pattern while the other taller one had a giant sword wrapped in bandages strapped to his back.

We observed each other. 3/4 of us were smirking.... can you guess who was being a party pooper ?
Yep ! My traitorous former teammate's traitorous older brother. The Hoshigaki , me and Sai were smirking in excitement.

Me and my partner looked at
the two ANBU in front of us. Studying each other. All at the same time , we smirked in excitement at each other.... except Itachi. Man , my partner is too stoic for his own good.

I surveyed the ANBU in front of me and noticed something about the girl. My partner and the two ANBU smirked. I looked at the girl in front of me. She is Sasuke's teammate. So he became ANBU , huh ? But where was he now. Maybe this was a solo and she decided to take this other boy to help her instead. She is the Fifth Hokage's apprentice so I'm not surprised to see her in ANBU attire.

I spoke up , " Where is your team , Haruno Sakura ? "

They looked at me surprised even Kisame. I resisted the urge to eye roll , ' Look at that. Lil' ol' me does know how to speak. '

" So he speaks. " She marvelled , " As for my team... or should I say former team , I dunno , celebrating your traitorous brother's return maybe. "

" Former ? " Kisame asked her what had been on my mind.

She smirked , " Hai. Former. I no longer am a part of that trash filled team. I also don't take orders from that Hokage any longer. They're lucky Sai- " she pointed to the boy next to her " -was here or else I would have killed my team after hearing of their arrival. "

The boy sweatdropped and inched away , " It was not a nice scene. "

So... Sasuke didn't become ANBU. But what about what she said about ' not following orders of the fifth ' ? Is she rouge ?

" Who do you work under then ‚ if it's not the fifth. "

" We're under direct order of Danzo Shimura. "

I narrowed my eyes. ' So... they're part of the ROOT FOUNDATION now............ '

She looked at me , " You are a former leaf ninja , so you know who and what I'm talking about don't you ? I mean , he is the guy whose fault it is of Sasuke's betrayal... isn't it ? " She smirked knowingly.

I twitched , she knows.... she was the apprentice of the Fifth so she was allowed access to the important files and knows about what happened.

" I have to say... you are a good actor .... the way Sasuke talked about the massacre , it sounded like you were actually selfish and the bad guy... " She said , looking like a smirk was trying to make it's way on her face but she wanted to keep her innocent facade.

My eyebrow twitched.

" But we both know that , that's not true at all. " she continued. " I think that makes Sasuke the bad guy here.... doesn't it ? " she finished , tilting her head innocently as she looked at me.

I narrowed my eyes. She was trying to annoy me , it was obvious.

" Don't worry Uchiha , we aren't here for you. " She pointed at Kisame , " we're here for him. "

Kisame picked up his samehada and grinned , showing his white shark-like teeth.

" You're on , pinky ! "

" Hey , Itachi-san , can I plzzzzzzz do this alone ? I'm dying for a fight ! "

I looked at him and sighed , " I'll step in when I want. " With that said I sat on a tree branch , the boy sitting beside me. I said nothing to him as Sakura and Kisame took on stances. I noticed something about her stance. It was offensive as I expected , but defensive as well for surprise attacks.

Why does she hate her team anyways ?

As if feeling my curiosity the boy next to me spoke up ,

" The name's Sai. Sakura hates all of Konoha because everyone underestimated her and blamed Sasuke's leaving on her. Though she learned to keep her emotions in check , hearing them bad mouth her behind her back made her hate for Konohagakure grew. I was the replacement for Sasuke from the ROOT and one of the three from Konoha 12 who didn't underestimate her abilities. An ANBU of Danzo sama then came to her and took her to the foundation where Danzo asked her to join the ROOT , she did on the condition that me and her become a duo. We don't even live in Konoha and have disappeared without a trace or scent. The Hokage can't find us and we aren't named as rouges on Danzo's request and order. "

I looked at him , " May I know why you're telling me , an enemy , all of this ? "

He smiled at me , " What are you to do by this information ? Telling Konoha won't help them or you because they can't say anything to us because Danzo is a village elder. The Akatsuki doesn't need more members because they were revived. So really , telling you this isn't really a disadvantage for us , is it ? "

I nodded. I looked to Kisame and Sakura's fight to see her sitting on his stomach. She had a few cuts on her arms and a cut on her cheek , same with Kisame except more severe. She was grinning while Kisame half panted and half laughed. The samehada was a few metres away , same with her katana. She stood up and offered him a hand , which he took and she lifted him up.

Kisame whistled , " Nice. "

She chuckled , " Glad to know you approve. "

After that we parted ways.

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