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"So like, are you gonna keep following us, un ?" Deidara questioned.

Sakura nodded and smirked, "pretty much, yeah." Deidara groaned , exaggerating his displeasure towards her actions.

"Oh, grow up barbie. " Sai rolled his eyes. Sakura grinned, 'back at it with the nicknames, I see'

Deidara's eye twitched as he growled, "I'm not barbie."

Sai nodded, sarcasm evident on his face, "Sure and I'm the grinch who stole Christmas "

"What ?" Tobi uttered in confusion. "What ?" Sai reflected innocently.

They walked awhile longer before Tobi, finally, spoke, "Do pretty girl-chan and quiet boy-kun plan on following us throughout our mission ?"

Sakura pouted as she thought about it, she had nothing better to do so why not ?

Sai nodded, "if it's alright with you."

Sakura , with big doe eyes stared at Deidara, a silent plea written in her eyes.

Deidara looked at her once before turning away and muttering begrudgingly, "whatever, hm ."

Sakura glowed brighter than a kid on Christmas and hugged Deidara in her enthusiasm to which he responded with , "GET OFF ME DAMMIT UN !!!"


Okay, so.

The person who tagged me was A_Faded_Angel

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The person who tagged me was A_Faded_Angel

1. I'm 15 and a cancer.

2. I'm currently in China for a few months.

3. I have my last first bimonthly paper tomorrow for English, easy as shit and I'm super happy.

4. I'm a Muslim.

5. I don't like dogs but I don't hate them cuz they a bit cute.

6. My favorite chocolate is Maltesers on tie with white kit Kat.

7. I don't like too much sweet which is why I don't eat cake or cupcakes.

8. I've always had a problem with all meat, even fish, except chicken. I'm not allergic to beef or fish, I can eat it, but the taste just makes me ready to vomit, no offense.

9. I had my first male friend AFTER I came to China, before that the only male friends I had were little kids around 4 or 7.
The guy is around my age too so I can relate to him.

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