Revealing the pretty face

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Bored....... bored........ bored....... Booooooorrrrrrrreeeeddddd .....

I huffed in boredom and looked at Sai. Bastard was in his own lil' world while smiling in content as he painted🎨 something in a sketchbook / scrapbook 📒.

I stood up, not being able to handle being bored AF.

I wore my ANBU gear and mask🐱, grabbing my weapons🔪 as I went outside,  knowing that Sai would be following me as well.

I was now crouched on a high tree branch with Sai standing next to me.

My lips, unable to be seen due to mask, twitched up into a conniving grin as I felt two familiar chakra signatures.

Out came the temperamental blonde with his annoying black haired mysterious partner.

The mysterious lollipop🍭 of a partner was bouncing around in happiness for whatever reason I couldn't give two shits 💩💩 about.

I looked at Sai. He nodded at me and I grinned, not that he could see it but Meh !

I jumped onto the blonde and saw Sai standing there while face palming .... uh.... mask palming ? from the corner of my eyes. 👀

I was now straddling Deidara who was lying on his back while blinking, probably trying to process what the hell just happened. I put a hand on his chest to keep him from moving or trying to escape.

Deidara, finally snapping out of his daze, looked at me in recognition,

"It's you from yesterday !"

I nodded, got off of him and took my mask off as well.

He blinked as he gazed at my face, a faded red hue covering his cheeks 😳 . I grinned at him teasingly,

"Let me know when you're done checking me out."

He blinked and turned his head stubbornly.

I offered him a hand which he took after slight hesitation and pulled him up.

I looked at tobi and Deidara,

"So, where were Dei-kun and Tobi-san going to ?"

Deidara murmured to himself, "Dei-kun.... ?"

Tobi, still bouncing around, answered in a childish high pitched squeal,

"Deidara sempai and Tobi were looking for bad man in the bingo book !!" 📕

Deidara glared heatedly at Tobi who shrunk under his glare.

"Tobi, you idiot ! They're the enemy !"

Tobi shuddered and whimpered,

"B-but senpai..... pretty girl-chan and quiet boy-kun are on our side !!"

That kind of threw me off for a second before I collected myself.

I gazed at the now scared lollipop man who was being scolded about how we were Konoha nin and not allies by the terrorist.

I looked at Tobi as he raised his head a bit to look at Deidara as if about to retort something back.

"B-but ! Pretty girl-chan and quiet boy-kun don't even like Konoha !!"

I stilled at that, not hearing what was being said further.

Does he know something ?

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