Food and friends...ish ?

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Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry so so so very sorry !

I would have updated but a whole lot of drama happened which involved :

Alcohol. Lol no, I'm not even legal yet. And my religion doesn't allow it. Plus I hate headaches and the idea of a hangover does not appeal to me.

It involved :

My phone breaking. Me lazy to get a new one. Final exams. Me getting my brother's phone. Me finding out it has little to no memory. Me going to 9th grade. Me finding out that my teachers suck. Me finding out that my math and chemistry teachers were ones who were my elder sister's teachers as well. Me finding a way to fix my old phone. Me being reunited with wattpad. And currently I have my first bi-monthly exams next week and I don't understand shit in physics.


"So like, how does your whole Jashinism work ?" Sakura asked with genuine curiosity as she bit into her onigiri as Sai nodded, agreeing to her question. He would have said something but he was too busy chewing dango.

Hidan put on a thoughtful face as he thought of how to explain what he was so proud of,

"So, its like this, right ? Jashin-sama is the god that we Jashinists follow and basically, we're fucking allowed to kill any fucker without him unapproving of it. In fact, he likes it when we sacrifice some bitches and encourages us to keep up the killing of all the motherfuckers. He granted me immortality... Well... its not really immortality as no fucker is fucking immortal but you can say that it is possible to be virtually immortal. And all I have to do is kill some bitches which I definitely fucking like to do and don't bitch about at all."

Hidan grinned in pride and gulped his sake down as Sakura nodded in interest.

How they managed to get the zombie combo to eat at a little food place with them and talk ?



Sakura raised her hands in mock surrender, "I'm only here on a friendly call don't worry."

Kakuzu raised an eyebrow in disbelief as Hidan got a tick mark and started shouting profanities at them for the first and last time they had met. He clearly was not happy about being tied to a tree.

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