Chapter Four

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Quick Note: The video/song I just liked since its all doctor this doctor that so far. =P The research she does also is some of what I did for the story I just made it a little more simplier how one would break it all down in their head.


What is he doing here? How is this even possible? Did he not look at my file and where I was employed?

“Sonja this is Kyle Jenkins,” Stacy started with the introductions. I tore my eyes away from his as I extended my hand to shake Mr. Jenkins. He smiled warmly at me.

Getting my first look at Kyle, he was just as tall as his partner. Instead of brown eyes he had pale green and ginger hair. He was lanky with the height, probably Irish, both towered over me and my five foot nine inches. I immediately liked Kyle though. He seemed friendly as much in person as on paper.

“It is good to finally be meeting you ladies,”

I nod smiling at his kind words.

“And this is Evan Jacobs,” Stacy continued. Reluctantly, my gaze swung back to ‘Evan’.

“Hello,” I said a little too low and extended my hand.

Without missing a beat he leaned into my hand with his own and shook firmly. What surprised me is the warmth and strength I felt and the odd tingling that shot a shiver up my arm.

“Nice to meet you Ms. Winters,” that voice made my whole body vibrate and my throat went dry.

I eyed him suspiciously wondering why he is acting as if this is the first time we have met. I let it be for now, because I knew it had to do with the fact he was now my therapist. I wish I had not scheduled that appointment now. There was still surprise in his unrevealing brown eyes, but I followed his lead not to reveal the fact that we have already met.

“Would you gentlemen like any pastries or coffee while we get started?” Stacy said walking around the conference table and beginning to pour a mug.

I ripped my gaze away from his still holding their portfolio in my hands and turned my back to him sitting down. I could feel his eyes on me, if the hair on the back of my neck rising was any indication.

“Yes please, thank you,” Kyle replied enthusiastically.

I watched as the two men walked around to sit across from Stacy and me. Once again, I’m faced with his gaze as he sat down.

“None for me thank you.” He said when Stacy offered him a mug.


“Yes please.” I smiled at her though it was hard to keep ‘happy’ in my expression.

We all waited for her to fix the coffee and hand out a pastry. I continued to flip through the file, knowing I am being watched and sipped at my drink refusing to look at him.

“So as the file says that we received from the both of you, you plan to open your own counseling office?” Stacy began with a perky tone and I stifled a scowl.

“Yes, I have been trying to for some time and I needed a partner. Good thing Evan came back to town. We have been friends since college. We thought it would be good for both our careers.” Kyle said slapping Evan on the back with a fond smile on his face.

Evan smiled at his friend too. It was the first time I have seen him smile and it took my breath away. When he turned back and caught me watching the two of them he cleared his throat and that expressionless persona returned. It infuriated me and I felt my cheeks flush.

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