Chapter Forty-Five

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Quick Note: I love the song on the right.

Also @KimFry has done something special for me. The link isin the external button on the right just below the cover photo and tags or you can copy and paste it from here and there will be a clickable one in the comments. If you all want to see this book published and soon and done right if even just every reader or follower of mine donated a dollar it would be more than enough! I was completely surprised when this was in my messages on facebook last night and completely overwhelmed with gratitude for Kim! If you can't donate at least help me and spread the word! =D

Also, I am sorry for such a late update. Its been three days, I have only waited that long to update this book one other time. Like I said earlier I feel sick with some stomach bug and my husband kept dragging me around to do errands. It got to be too much and now I feel icky today. I can honestly say I believe there is only about after this chapter about five more and an epilogue. I love you all so much for your support! I can't wait to get started on publishing this!



I cursed to myself seeing my hands shake in the duct tape out of fear.

Jerry is driving again after his strange sun rise venture. I don’t know what was worse, thederanged way of his behavior or the uncertainty of what is going to happen next.

With the light of the late morning as he drove I am now upright in the backseat with a musty blanket over me. No doubt to cover my bonds, but to any other driver passing by it would seem like I am just trying to stay warm.

I could see the familiar sights of Sausalito as he drove. I longed to be back at home in Evan’s arms and feared I might not ever again. I still had no idea where he was taking me, but it seemed he had a definite plan on this trip he called going down memory lane.

I realized I would have to warm up to him if I had a chance of postponing his violence long enough to be rescued. I didn’t speak unless he talked to me and stopped asking where we are going. He wasn’t going to tell me.

From the direction he now travelled, I could tell he is taking me back to our old apartment. Why? Is he trying to keep moving to his final destination or is this all part of his plan to terrorize me. I believed the latter is the most likely. He is trying to make me relive all the things he’s done to me in the past, before he gets to his grand finale.

I didn’t understand how someone could become so obsessed. I knew Jerry had a rough upbringing and the fact he made it out and became successful was part of the reason I had been attracted to him in the first place. Then something just…snapped.

“Honey we’re home,” Jerry coos with a slimy smile on his face.

We are parked across the street from the apartment we had shared for three years. Two out of the five we were together I had been trying to get away from him and moved multiple times. He always found me. The fact I wasn’t surprised that he found me now made my heart sink.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.

“We had good times here didn’t we…” He ignored my question.

“If you say so,” I snorted and immediately regretted it when he turned around giving me a dark glare.

Don’t work him up, I told myself. Jeez. At least I could be proud now that I am standing up to him and he doesn’t like it.

“There’s that attitude, you know it’s kind of…alluring and exciting to see. Too bad I will have to change that,” he smiles reaching for me and caressing a strand of hair out of my face.

On The Couch [Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora