Chapter Forty-Two

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Quick Note: This is why I say this will be combined with the previous chapter for publishing. This is extremely short. You all will love it though. I am terribly sorry about my double update going all wrong. My husband decided to be an ass last night and now giving me a guilt trip for it today lol. Fucking men. So besides that and the business from running errands it messed up all my plans. Please forgive me. I hope you enjoy this short. Its probably only going to be a page. Soon as I feel a little better I shall start on the next part. Love you all!!!



Evan’s POV


The bartender smiles pleasantly at me.

“Thank you,” I said taking the beer and midori sour from her. I couldn’t wipe the happiness from my face if I tried. Not tonight.

Content, no it didn’t quite live up to the extreme extent of how happy I am. Maybe tranquil, the clarity is crystal clear. Or maybe it is the alcohol loosening me up to feel more open about my emotions than my usual calm and controlled demeanor. I am a man in love, what can I say?

Looking at the time it is fifteen minutes to midnight. I hurried back, weaving my way through the crowd. I didn’t want to miss having a New Year’s Eve kiss with my Sonja.

Seeing her happy and laughing…smiling constantly being carefree has been a joy to witness. I’ve never seen her so extroverted. It made me proud that I knew a big part of that reason was me. I am humbled that I could make someone so happy.

I know she has been pondering something to ask me. The feeling I get is that it had something to do with the way my brother acted on Christmas Eve. Something he said to me when we argued that night tipped me off. ‘I just hope she’s not like all your patients’. I hadn’t told him she was and I certainly knew Sonja wouldn’t have. It had been in the back of my mind ever since.

Would he ever get over that? It was so long ago. He put Elissa into therapy, begged me to take her case…No let’s not think about that right now.

Sonja and I were going to live together. I did have a slight ulterior motive. Since Jerry as she believes and I do too broke into her apartment we could move into a new place together where he can’t find her. I wanted as well to wake up to her every day. I wanted to feel her warmth every night when I closed my eyes. I wasn’t even a dog person until I met her.

Getting back to the group, I see that Sonja is not there.

“Where is she?” I immediately ask Stacy.

“Oh she went to the bathroom.”

“You didn’t go with her?” I couldn’t keep the irritation out of my voice. For some reason this did not sit well with me.

“No they are right over there,” Stacy points and I can see a sign across the lawn pointing at the restroom buildings.

“I wish you would have gone with her,” I grumble.

“I’m sure she’s fine I can see people exiting, she’s only been gone a few minutes.”

“Yes but she is quite tipsy Stacy,” I snap at her. She gawks at me. “I’m sorry,” I forget she doesn’t know at all about the break-in.

“What’s with the attitude Evan?” She asks, but my eyes are glued to the bathroom area. It’s hard to really keep a steady on it with all the people passing by. I glance at Stacy but don’t respond.

“Oh no you don’t, what’s happened that you and her aren’t telling me.” Now I have her full attention.

I look over at the bathrooms. The crowd is getting thicker and I’m getting more anxious as the time ticks on by.

On The Couch [Editing]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora