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‘What's happened to him?’

‘Please be calm Miss Mason. The faint is something I caused. I acknowledge it looks dire, but he is at no risk.’

‘You did that? Why? Was he not supposed to? And where did she come from?’

‘One at a time, please. Yes, as I said, I caused the faint. I brought him here, to this house of women, adrift in a sea of loneliness, longing and hormones for one purpose - to give him reason to live and heal. I did not, however, expect him to make such enthusiastic progress. I imagined him reaching this stage in two or three days.  I gave him charms to increase his attractiveness. Perhaps unnecessarily.’

‘Turing, you really haven't been paying attention, have you? This is Jack. He's never had any need of your magic charms to attract women. It's what happens once he's attracted them's the problem. And what about Abigail? Is it co-incidence she's here?’

‘Unfortunately, no. He thought of her and how surprising it was she hadn't been his first love. That was enough - she came to him.’

‘I thought you said he couldn't control them?’

‘No more he can, but you are correct, the charm is unnecessary. I will remove it.’

She seemed, thought Turing, unmollified by the assurance.

‘What happens now?’

‘Abigail will help him back to the house and he will rest for a few more days. This is something everyone will co-operate with, I assure you.’


They watched as Abigail woke Jack, helped him dress and walk back to the castle. There, she explained how she'd met him by the river and he'd fainted. Abby, thankfully, was a good enough liar to keep the story simple. The worry she and Fanny showed at Jack's condition disappeared in the wave of concern shown by everyone else. Lady Charlotte reflected later she'd been the only one not to try to 'help' him. That'd been as much because she'd not been able to get a hand on as from seeing no need.

‘He fainted ladies, no more. It isn't a cause for excessive worry. Now, let him have some air and some quiet and he'll be right as rain in no time. Bridie, more of your excellent beef tea, I think? Abigail? A pillow and a blanket please. For the rest of us, I think we'd be better leaving him be for a while, don't you all agree?’

They did; reluctantly. Lady Charlotte tried to understand how this youth had caused such a commotion to her household in so short a time. She recognised his strong points, admittedly. She enjoyed her conversations with him, found him polite, but forthright, confident, with a certain rough charm and a good wit. And yes, someone of Abigail’s age would be taken by the looks and the devil-may-care grin which came out when not, as now, too ill to focus. 

Eleonora had clearly been taken with him from his arrival, as had Brampton, though both were equally clearly trying to persuade themselves they weren't. Eleonora's case… Ah, well. Charlotte knew Quentin too well to have ever believed a marriage would be successful, but he'd surpassed himself with Eleonora. Her subsequent status of demi-vierge neither suited nor served her health well. Charlotte had difficulty in talking openly with Eleonora, despite her sympathy for the woman. She'd tried hinting at the need to take herself a lover, but the idea hadn't seeded. Aside from anything else, there was no one whom she could take.

Brampton… well, she'd made her own bed too. Charlotte had met her young man, briefly, but long enough to take his measure. Dry as a stick was young Mr Davy, but he'd probably make a decent enough husband for her.

For Jack's part, she'd be forced to say he'd behaved perfectly well. Bridie and Gina were ensuring Abigail and he weren't alone too much, but if he did tumble her in the hay… Well, as long as he was careful, which Charlotte decided he would be, what harm was there in that? He'd no interest in Deirdre, she'd eyes in her head to see that. As a mother she was relieved. As a human being, she didn't blame him. Dee had returned as noisome as she'd left. Charlotte foresaw friction between the two, as there'd been with Hilary's cousins the year before. Though Hillary's cousins were no prizes either.

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