Chapter Six

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((This was meant to be a short story, maybe just a few chapters. But I've got a lot more ideas for this story,I'm not sure that some of them will work. I don't know what I'm going to do or how long this'll be anymore. I don't think it'll go past at least 14 or 15 but not below ten..))


 Two weeks. 

Andy had been arrested, the word had gotten out about Harry's abusive relationship and his current state in the hospital, Louis and Eleanor had broken up but both stayed by Harry's side, the boys had taken two weeks to prepare themselves for what was going to happen when Harry woke up which would be any day now. 

What were they supposed to say to him? After all the lies and secrets and fights and them being too blind to see that something was really wrong. 

They could have helped Harry, saved him if they had actually noticed. But they didn't and Harry ended up close to death after a serious bash to the head and several more blows, sending Harry into his coma and the wounds Andy had given him.

But now all they could do was wait for him to wake up and do everything they could to make it up to him.

When Harry's eyes open Eleanor is the only one in the room. The other boys had finally gotten Louis to go home and shower and rest and get something to eat. They were on their way back now when sad brown eyes met tired, broken green.

"Harry." She breathed, taking his hand and squeezing it as he whimpered, looking around. He blinked and looked at Eleanor before opening his mouth and closing it again and opening it before tears filled his eyes in fear and confusion. 

Eleanor looked at him in shock, not knowing what was going on but now Harry was breathing fast and gripping her hand. 

"Nurse!" It only took a few seconds for the regular nurse, Olivia, they had learned ran in and rushed to Harry. 

"Mr. Styles, I need you to calm down and breathe or I will have to sedate you." She soothed but he didn't seem to hear. 

He didn't hear the door open but soon Eleanor's small hand was replaced with a bigger, stronger and more familiar one. The hand held his just as tight as he was gripping it and he was carefully pulled to someone's chest. His chest.

"Calm down Harry." Someone whispered in his ear and it was that voice. Soft but stern and beautiful that let the air return to his lungs. He gasped for air a few times before his he caught his breath and looked up with big eyes at the man. 

Louis wiped the few tears Harry didn't even know escaped and stared into his eyes before Olivia cleared her throat after speaking with Eleanor. 

"Harry can you please tell me your name?" This seemed to spark something in Harry and he sobbed, attempting to stutter out his name. 

"H-Ha.." He burst into tears and Louis' eyes widened as he understood Harry's panic when he woke up. 

The doctor was called in and after a few tests the man began to explain.

"This was one of the things we talked about. Loss of memory is usually what happens with the kind of head injury if something is wrong, but this is something that can happen. He hit a very sensitive spot and it messed some things in Harry's brain up. Sometimes they forget things like how to open their eyes or how to move something. Sometimes it's speech. It's not always forgetting as much as a fear sometimes." He said slowly, carefully. 

He learned about how angry and sad and just emotional families got with information like this. 

"H-He doesn't remember." Niall stuttered in shock and Eleanor gasped as if she just understood what was happening or it just sunk in. 

"He doesn't remember how to talk?" Zayn croaked and Liam tightened his arms around him.

"It's not just that, it's as if he doesn't want to talk. After what he's been through he's going to have some trouble with things he used to be able to do. Such as talking, it's a fear that's causing a reaction in his brain making it seem like he can't do something. If you consider what he's been through..' She trailed off.

"It could have been walking, writing, reading. BUt for him it's speaking. It's no uncommon and it's not forever. It is something that can be fixed with time and patience. You have to be prepared to work with him."

The group all sat in silence when the doctor left, Harry looked around athis friends in family with tears falling down his face in panic. 

He didn't understand why he was feeling like this. Like he couldn't force his voice to work.

It had been exactly seven days since Harry woke up and there was little progress with Harry. He would try to talk, following the doctor's instructions and trying to sound it out like the boys did but when he couldn't finish the word he'd shut down and be done for the day. 

The boys were being very patient with him and it meant so much, becsuse he couldn't handle it if they treated him different because of this. He already was mad at himself everyday for not being able to respond to the people he loved but the boys were there to assure him he would get it and they still loved him.

Louis and Harry had discussed their feelings. Well Louis had done all the talking obviously, Harry writing down but they were going to wait until Harry was able to really talk about it and until he was out of the hospital to try anything. 

For now it was just long hugs, holding hands and rare, short kisses when they couldn't help it. 

And that was what kept Harry going. What kept him trying to get better and talk, not giving up on himself, Louis. 

Of course the other boys, his family and Eleanor were a big inspiration for him but Louis was the reason he hadn't given up on himself yet. 

It was a week and two days later that Harry finally said something in a full sentence, loud and clear, and it was something that shocked everyone. 

It wasn't that they expected him to say something specific but it was just completely random, almost like he was just thinking and he said it out loud. But it sparked determination in Harry. 

"I want to write a song." His voice cracked at the end but it was out, his voice weak and scratchy but his voice. 

Everyone stayed silent for a moment, blinking in shock and Harry stared back before Louis jumped up, kissing him lovingly. 

"Say it again." He breathed against his lips and Harry looked into his eyes, staring into them and the words came easily with Louis there, holding him, protecting him.

"I want to write a song." Soon enough Harry was left alone with paper and  a pen, the inspiration of what had happened flowing through him. 

He smiled at the finished lyrics and raised his hand to the top, writing the title with a little breath of air. 

GIve Me Love

The song is on the side. Yes, I know it's not by Harry it's by Ed Sheeran, and all rights go to him, but in this story, Harry wrote it.. 

Well thanks for reading and sorry for the lonnngggg wait, but here is chapter 6 and I hope you guys liked it!! :* 

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