Chapter Seven

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So finally got some inspiration and an idea to try out, but I'm not sure it'll last long. So only expect this story 'till like chapter twelve. I'm sorry that this sucks.

But it's a chapter, right?..


When Harry finally got out of the hospital, he had never been more relieved. He absolutley hated the place and he was very happy to be out of it. Louis laughed as Harry grinned when he was rolled outside in the whelechair.

He didn't even mind much about that, not that it mattered if he did, he had to go out like that. When he stood, Louis was there to catch him as he stumbled, not used to walking around this much.

"Thanks boo." The older boy just kissed the top of his head, not even caring about the multiple paparazi around and helped his boyfriend into the awaiting car.

"How does it feel to be out of that jail?" They had refered to the hospital as jail after the second week of being there. Harry chuckled from his spot on Louis' shoulder and nodded, breathing in softly as his eyes looked out the window.

"Amazing. I missed fresh air, walking, the outside world beyond the white walls and horrible food that they forced me to eat." His nose wrinkled just at the thought of the terrible hopsital food that hsd been served to him.

"Don't worry, we'll get some real food into that stomach of yours." Niall grinned and Harry just smiled a bit sleepily at him. Louis watched the love of his life interact with their friends and couldn't help but tighten his arms.

He almost lost him and that couldn't happen. He didn't know what he would do if he lost Harry.

"I'm alright Lou." Harry whispered quietly so only Louis could hear him, noticing the expression on his lover's face. The elder just kissed him lightly on the lips and held him close. The boys smiled at the two as they pulled up to his home.

Home. Somewhere he hadn't been in such a long time. Andy always wanted him to stay with him. He hadn't been home in so long and he missed it.

Eleanor met the boys outside, hugging Harry tightly but carefully. He smiled and lifted his arms to hug her back tightly.

"Missed you El. Haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?" Harry questioned with a small pout on his lips. Eleanor only smirked and Louis copied it and Harry grew worried as he was taken inside.

Harry gasped as he looked around his old apartment. He could smell food that he knew Eleanor must have made for his return but as he looked around he noticed the now clean home he had missed so much but Louis' things were around easily and Harry giggled.

"Is this your way of asking if we can live together?" Louis raised an eyebrow and laughed, shaking his head.

"You think I'm ever leaving you alone again?" He teased, pecking the boy's lips who grinned agsinst them before all the boys were forced into the kitchen where the table was set with food that Harry couldn't wait to have after so long of the hospital.

As they sat around the table, talking and laughing Harry couldn't help but breathe out in relief. He was finally home, with everyoe he loved and wanted with him.

Maybe it was time for his happily ever after he'd been chasing for so long.

But Fate isn't quite done with him yet.


Sometimes Harry thought about him. Andy. He thought about the good times they had, the happiness before the abuse. He thought about how Andy introduced him to his family. His mother hated him on spot but his father had seemed to like him.

But Christina hated him for dating her baby boy and she threatened him that if he ever broke Andy's heart he would regret the day he was born. But of course he didn't take it seriously.

She was just over protective and possessive of her son.

He got a call from her one day and he agreed to meet her at the hotel she was staying so they could go out to lunch and chat. He knew she deserved it. Deserved to know what happened from him not the press.

He did put her son in jail.

So he dropped Louis off at the airport after a tearful goodbye and went to meet Christina.

It was only days until Louis' birthday so he was going home to be with his family for it, for once and Harry said he'd stay here so he could be with them. They threw him a party the night before for just friends, and he said his goodbyes to everyone.

He frowned when he pulled up to an old abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere and was about to turn around, figuring he had the wrong address when he saw the older blond woman walking out of the building.

She stopped and smirked, making Harry frown before his window was smashed and the door swung open. He shouted for help from the woman who only grinned as something as placed over his mouth and his eyes fluttered for a moment.

The last thing he saw was Christina walking towards them with a sick smile.

"I told you Harry. You're going to pay for taking my baby away from me." She whispered before it all went black.


ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD That's the end of this chapter. This idea just kind of hit me and I decided to try it out. I hope you guys liked it and it was good, I hope to be writing a lot more on this. It is Christmas break starting Friday 12/20 (two days!!) so there will be a lot more updates!

So watch out beautiful people, I hope to have a lot more writing and chapters for this and end it good.

Let me know what you guys thought!! Was it good? Should I keep or delete it? Is this a good idea to go with! Lemme know whatever you think!

Comment, vote, follow, whatever you'd like. Go to my profile for stories like this. Well not like it but yanno.. Yeah. So, night, look out for the next chapter either Christmas or Christmas eve as a little present for ya!

Btw, Andy's mom is played by Jennifer Aniston. If you don't know who that is she's in Marley And Me, We're The Millers, and of course Friends!

Monophobia (Larry Stylinson)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora