✔ Monophobia Authors Note ✔

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So I was reading the last chapter and I actually kind of liked how I ended it. It isn't how I wanted to end it, but it's a short and sweet ending with exchanged 'I love you' fluff. It has Harry back and stuff and them all being yup. Also, honestly, I can't really think of any way to write another chapter to end it. There really is nothing else. 

They live happily ever after, grow up and have kids. I'm going to leave it for you to imagine however you want to end it. You chose the ending, guys. I am really sorry to those who were wanting another ending chapter, but that last chapter, chapter nine was it. 

I hate that it's that short but I didn't want to delete it, or leave it unfinished. So thank everyone for reading, and check out y other (better) stories. <3

- Ally

Monophobia (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now