Chapter one: Welp this sucks

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Beep beep beep

Ugh. Stupid alarm why are you so loud.

I sigh and turn my alarm off. As I sit down I look at myself in the mirror. Holy sweet baby llama I look like the grim reaper. And not the cartoon one. Okay Crystal. You said you would jog in the morning and your going to jog right fucking now damn it! I sigh and get up. Internal motivation is the best I usually just insult myself to do better. My phone rings I pick it up to see the caller id it's my best friend Emillia.

I put the phone on speaker.

"Hey," I say just as I'm putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Hey Crystal!" She says way too enthusiastic for 7 in the fucking morning.

"What's up," I say.

"Nothing much, just going to ask if you wanted to go out to breakfast at the taqueria."

"As good as breakfast sounds right now, I can't. I'm going for a morning run."

"Boo, you whore"

"Haha your hilario-" I say as I'm putting on my sweat pants then fall and hit my head on my dresser.

"What happened, what was that, did Captain Hook come into your room and ransack your room?" Her and her Once upon the time, she can't get enough of it.

"Yes definitely" I say sarcastically as I rub my head.

"Well whatever don't eat with me I'll just invite Brendon, and I know you fell you clumsy little girl"

"Okay then you has can talk about Peter Pan and shit, and yes I did indeed fall."

"Do not mention that heathen and I could figure much you idiot."

"Okay okay I'm an idiot, now bye."

I hang up plug in my head phones and head on my route. As I'm walking by I get tapped on the shoulder.

"Huh?" I say as I remove a bud from my earhole.

"Hey lady there's construction work ahead, your going to have to take a different route."

"Welp that sucks, thank you sir!"

He scowls. "Whatever"

"Damn what crawled up your butt and died?"

He just glares and turns around not acknowledging my existence anymore.

Well isn't he a little ray of sunshine.

I take a detour through some smaller streets. As I'm walking by I see a guy outside mowing his lawn. SHIRTLESS. Let me mention I've been single for a long ass time and I look at guys very often, did I mention he was shirtless and has ABBS. Control yourself Crystal just look away. I can't take it! I turn around and see him in all his glory. He looks over at me for like a split second turns away and goes back to his lawn mowing. Sweet baby llama he's attractive. Like on a scale of one to ten, he's a 1 million. I know a little exaggerated but it's true. I just keep on walking looking at him ever so carefully. His back muscles are so defined. Okay stop Crystal back to walking.

I look away from the attractive God fallen from Mount Olympus and focus on my music playlist. Should I pick my country play list, my pop play list, my rap one? Probably the rap one. I choose that one and Controlla by Drake comes on. I get to my route and begin to jog.

An hour passes by a lot faster than I thought it would and I begin on my trek home. As I walk buy back muscle guy is still there but now he's chilling on his front porch with a...bird? Wow, that bird must be trained very well for it to stay there and not fly away into the sunset. He still has his shirt off, dayum those abbs. I kinda wanna touch them. No no stop. Maybe one touch...

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