Chapter five: I officially hate math

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After Psych. I walk to my precal class and take my seat. I pull out our last homework assignment and revise it. Mr. Joseph walks in. "Good morning class, I assume you all got your homework done?" He looks around the class. "Good, now pass it up so we can start the next section of our lesson plan."

We all pass up the homework and I pull out my notebook to take notes. All of a sudden the door opens up and I see Jason walk in. He has a note in hand. "Good morning, what can I do for you sir?"

"Well Mr. Joseph I got a schedule change, I have you this period now." He says handing him the note. He puts on his reading glasses and reads the note. "Yes it appears so, take a seat then." He turns around and it just so happens the only empty seat in class is next to me. Great. He walks over and takes a seat next to me. "Looks like we're neighbors." He says pulling out a notebook and pencil. I completely ignore him and pay attention to the lecture.

Once were finished he hands out 3 worksheets all due today in class. I sigh.

"Okay Sam, let's do this." I say and turn to her, "did you understand how to find the variable? Because I didn't." She nods. "Yes, I understood." Thank god. Once she explains it I get through with the worksheets in half an hour. With an hour left in class.

I stand up and return to my seat. Sam finished before me so when I sit down she immediately bombards me with questions.

"So why was Johnson-"

"Jason" I correct.

"Whatever, why has he been looking at you all class period, I mean he sits right next to you it's creepy"

"Huh I don't really know." I say. I didn't even notice I was ignoring his presence all class period.

"Well, he has been staring at you all class period, just talk to him."

"No thanks, I'm good." I say as I turn to my I pad and watch YouTube throughout the rest of class.

As I'm walking out of class I realize I forgot my I pad I turn back grab it and walk out. All of a sudden something trips me and I fall flat on the floor, right on top of my I pad. I pull it out from under me and thank god and all that is holy it's not cracked. I look up to see Jason laughing his ass off with his little buddies.

"You could have broken my I pad you idiot!" I yell at him.

"He turns to me, smirks, then says, "It's no big deal, doesn't your dad own like some big insurance company? You could have easily paid for damages."

He's talking about my moms boyfriend Richard. "He's not my dad! And that's not the point! I wanted an I pad because I told my mom I was going to be responsible with it. What you don't know is I pay for my own extra stuff that I don't need. So if you broke my I pad it would have come out of my own pocket not my mothers boyfriends." I turn around and walk to my next period. God I'm so pissed. I can't believe he would do something like that and not apologize!

I can't wait for this day to be over. He was cool but he's been being such an asshole since English yesterday. What did I say to make him hate me?

This question floats around in my mind as the rest of the day flies by. As I'm walking to my car ready to go home, I look up and see that it is covered in toilet paper, shaving cream, and something written in green spraypaint.

'Daddy's little girl :P have fun explaining this!' That's what the message says. Crap. I take all of the small roads home to avoid being seen. Why the hell is Jason being such a jerk! First he's all nice, now all of a sudden he's acting like a super mega asshole. I pull up home and climb out of my car. I walk into my home and my mothers eyes are almost popping out of her skull.

"What the hell happened!" She yells with her hands over her mouth.

"Some stupid guy at school did this. He doesn't particularly like me so, he did this to get revenge on me for telling him off. I'm going to go see if it washes off."

She nods at me and I go fill a bucket with water and grab the car wash soap.

The shaving cream and toilet paper come off, but the green spray paint is not going away. I faded it a little bit I've been scrubbing for like an hour and it won't come off!

I walk back inside and tell my mom the bad news.

"Don't worry honey! Richard won't be mad at you." I smile at her and just as she says that Richard pulls up into the driveway. He sees the car, and rushes in.

"What in the fucking hell happened to my car!" He shouts.

"Jason happened. But I'm going to get him back."

"No." Says Richard, "No I won't risk you getting in trouble I'll just take it into the shop and give it a new paint job. The car was due for a little remodeling anyway." He adds with a smile.

"Don't worry I'm not doing this on school grounds. I could charge him for vandalism, although it would be better to get revenge." I start to think out loud.

"As long as it's not on school grounds, knock yourself out!" Says Richard as he's heading upstairs.

My mom nods at me and says, "Make him regret ever messing with you!"

I smile at her and nod. I go to my room and text my friends in the group chat.

Guys, so Jason vandalized my car and wrote 'daddy's little girl :P Have fun explaining this!' So I want to get revenge no follow up questions. Just come to my house tomorrow at midnight with a lot of pink bottles of spray paint, whipped cream, butter, super glue, and anything else you guys want. I'll pay you guys later😈.~ Crys

Omg that's so evil, like me! LETS DO IT! ~ Brendon

Count me in! ~ Sam

I'm down.😏 ~Stera

Oh, revenge you say? I'm totally in! My item of misery is wigs. I'm bringing wigs. ~Em

Nice their all in!

This is going to be fun.


Sorry for the short chapter. I have lots of stuff on my plate right now!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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