the bellas story

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Warning half way through gets more mature matters in hand so if your under 18 do not read unless you really can't stop reading but it will deal with nikki's trauma..

The bellas/ garcias

The sisters grew up in San Diego with there mum and their papops who was there father figure growing up and would be the glue that held his children together although he was there grandfather they were his kids just as much especially when there dad left their mum 5 months after there Birth and had not seen him since there mum was a teenager when she had them having them at 19

Growing up they were very well mannered young ladies their grandfather brought them new outfits they had nice party's with his old friends and there families and from the age of 6 even taught and every dated saterday after would go horse riding with them brie found horseriding the most fun but at the age of 11 brie had to put her horse down out of old age she didn't understand why... but her papops made her smile again just 3 and half years later there papops had throut and lung cancer just 4 months later he passed away just 4 days after the girls 15th birthday it was devastating and soon enough the rock exploded when Kath had trouble trying to juggle grieving herself but hard to be there and comfort her daughters and she would be out every night...4 months of it soon pushed brie and sje would soon go on the same path as her mum after she would steal from friends parents host party's but made sure people brought her alcohol to get in after 2 warnings though 2 months later she was suspended from school right in the middle of exams week she would have to start the year all over again
Nikki had tried to get her sister and mom on the right path and kath did after brie got suspended she wanted to be better to get better she would go council in sessions Nikki would go with her but not brie...

That June she met a man named John who had just finished high school the two would go on dates during the summer and when John went away to college would call every day

But that October brie got worser she began being more abusive towards Nikki when Nikki finally made a stand and poured her sisters bottles down the sink brie saw red and attacked Nikki she left some bruises on nikkis right arm and would slap her hard Nikki had enough trying to help her sister as that night John picked her up and she went to go stay with him in tampa transfering and finishing her senior year there

Brie 2 days later knew she had ruined everything and put her self in youngs rehab clinic 6 months later she was out and clean too after finishing her exams again and (she passed all of them) after a month she tried to reach out to Nikki but John tells her that Nikki doesn't want to see her for a while 5 days later she meets Renee! ! And when she discovers her sister on the front cover of the male magazine almost nude she wants to fix things if she can and with the help of new friend Renee and some strangers it's a car trip to rescue Nikki! !

Nikki 7 months away from brie

The first 2 months was like the honeymoon period she was even invited to join his family for Christmas she thought she found the man of her dreams but was soon mistaken

February 9th
John is 19 nikki has just turned 17
John since new years was hooked on the college party's and would get drunk on saterday nights something always tugg at his strings...

Honey I just don't want to rush things

What you saying nik you telling me you don't love Me!!

Off course I love you but I don't want to give you my virginity when your like this

And if I wasn't like this now!!

John just be patient ok... It will happen just the right time at the right moment! Kisses his cheek and goes to her room

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