guilty or freedom part 1

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7th November
two weeks went by so simply as if the girls never left every evening after that the seven of them would head down the seafront play the amusements go bowling or just sit on the wall eating chips it was everyone's way of keeping Nicoles spirits up then that Sunday came a visit that Nicole was never ready for....

The girls were planning on heading to the mall seth had said he would chaperone them now he had past his drivers test

"Come on brie seth will be here in a few minutes!" Nicole called out to brie who was in the bathroom

"Well then I still have a couple of minutes" brie called back

Pagie turned to Renee who were both sitting on the sofa waiting also "these girls!" 

Renee laughed "usually it's brie rushing Nicole to get a move on"

2 minutes later the door goes

Brie Nicole then heads into the bathroom while Pagie gets the door
Seth bas timing Nicole might kill...oh Dean coming too then on the other side of Dean stood Lisa

"Not exactly Lisa needs to talk to Nicole" Dean tells her she steps aside to let them Renee stood from her planning as they walked in

"Hey what's going on?" She asked him

"It looks like John seemed to find a loophole in his trial" Dean began

"What how!?"

Then Nicole and brie walked out Nicole paused when she saw Lisa and Dean "I thought we were meeting Tuesday?"

This can't wait Nicole... Nicole how much do you know about the trial?

"Just what was on the letter I will say my part on the 10th Dean and my brother would give there statements on it all and they would run through mine and his relationship and the time it started to get abusive....Then we would both say our take on it the next day then it would be the defence and prosecutors... but wait I.. I don't remember any of that night because I was drugged?"

Exactly... that's how he plans to jolt it as

"As if I am crazy! Why would they believe that!!!"

Nicole calm down Seth says calmly

"No! I am going on the stand as a victim to be used as a tool in JOHNS games again!!!" She snapped

Nicole lis

" you all think I'm lying to...!"

Renee walked over and grabs Nicole arm no Nicole listen we will...

"YOU PLAYED ME TOO!!" Nobody saw it coming Nicole hand connected hard to renees face the people In the room gasped as Renee fell slightly Dean grabbed her before she could fall fully Dean looked at Nicole with crazy eyes ready to defend what he just saw

Renee I.... oh my god Nicole murmers as her hands shook uncontrollably "I am so..."
Pagie stood in front of them
Pagie was about to tackle Nicole when Renee pulled her back and swapped her place from deans arms with Pagie then stood In front of a crying Nicole

"I hurt my friend..."

"Hey it's okay just listen to me okay!" Renee ordered "so he is making you go on the stand but we still have the evidence of John buying the illegal drugs but I think I have another way of proving to the jury that he did in fact have his way with you that night"

Everyone but Dean asked "How!?"

"The pregnancy" Dean revealed Renee nodded brie held Nicole tightly as Renee continued

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