unravelling Cena

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In an instant the whole thing goes so quickly

"Brie!" Nicole wrapped her arms round her "Your here"

"Yeah Nikki I'm here" brie cried hugging her back for a few moments no words were said they just stayed like that

"Until brie let go she gasps what's that" points to her bruised lip

"I er slipped in the shower I have a few bruises on my legs to but there covered"

Brie knew Nikki was lieing but she went along with it

"How'd you get here?"

"Let's just say I made some amazing friends who were determined to help me find you.."..brie explains

Then pagie shows her face

"That's one of them that's pagie
She actually lives in San Diego"

"That's great nice to meet you" Nicole expressed gratitude to pagie to with a hug

"You a hugger?"

"I am now" let's go and goes over to brie

"Where was John heading?"

"Said he had ran out of something and must get more..." Nicole choked

D)"Well he has a lovely place" turns round to see 3 other strange faces
"It's ok they are the other 3"

"Hey I saw you a few months back?" Nicole remembered as she walked in and stands in front of Seth

"Wait you knew her already?" Renee asked

"Yeah but it was only for a brief 2 minutes not enough to get to know someone... you were at our school!" Seth reminisced "I thought I had imagined you! Deano here thought I was losing it"

"You were you went on about her for weeks"

"Well you weren't thanks for being my friend that day...." she then giggled
"but it was longer than 2 minutes more like 10...."


"Well we wanna be sure we haven't been played cause we've been through and done a lot just to find you are you worth a car crash a 3 day car trip a night at a hospital stole John's file to get your address oh and lied for ya are you worth it?" Dean quizzed

"I can understand my s brie doing that but you guys.... why"

"Cause they have big hearts just like you do" brie smiled up at them who smile back

"....like I did brie..."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been through all a lot" she stuttered

"That's why I'm here to help"

"Where were you when I needed your help 3 months ago!!!" Nicole snaps

"Nicole I"

"You what why have you put these guys through hell brie I bet on the way here you were a bitch to all of them!! If they should have met a Bella it should have been ME!!!!" Nicole was on a rampage

....... brie was in tears...

Nicole finally snapped out of her rage and started shaking uncontrollably

"I br brie I'm I'm so sorry...." Nicole fell to the floor brie and Renee helped her gently and held her

"It it's okay.... Nicole what's happened to you..."

"I I fell....fell in love with a monster" Nicole balled her eyes out

"What's...." brie couldn't get her words out she looks at Renee for help

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