Aflame and Beyond Bonus Conversations

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These conversations take place after Aflame and lead into the new series...Coming in 2017!

Madoc: Damn, I love this picture of Tate and me.

Jared: When was that taken?

Madoc: Like a year ago.

Jared: >:(

Madoc: Don't get mad. We were all drunk, but I kept her safe. Kept my arms wrapped around her the entire time.

Jared: Excuse me?

Madoc: You should be happy! She was very cold in that little bikini. I kept her warm.

Jared: Shut up.

Madoc: I wonder if Fallon lent her some of the expensive lotion she uses. Tate's skin Nice and soft.

Jared: >:(

Madoc: But don't worry! I was the only one that touched her!

Jared: Come here. I want to talk to you.

Madoc: *snorts* Sorry, gotta go!


Dylan: Daddy?

Jared: *sleeping

Dylan: Daddy?

Jared: Hmmmm?

Dylan: Can I sleep in here?

Jared: *opens eyes* Why? What's wrong?

Dylan: I'm scared.

Tate: Hey, sweetheart. Come on. Climb in.

Jared: *whispers to Tate* We talked about this. One night will turn into six months, and our bedroom is our space. She needs to sleep in her own room now.

Tate: *grumbles

Jared: *looks to Dylan* What scared you?

Dylan: There's something outside my doors.

Jared: What?

*grabs phone, rushes to Dylan's room, whips open doors*

Jared: You little...

*sees Hawke, Kade, and Hunter wearing Halloween masks and racing back through tree over to Hawke's room*

Jared: Get in bed!

Dylan: Yeah! Jerks! *looks to Dad* I knew it was them. I wasn't really scared.

Jared: Okay, you get back in bed, too. I'll lock the doors.

*dials Jax

Jared: You have Kade and Hunter sleeping over with Hawke tonight?

Jax: Yeah.

Jared: Well, get the kids in bed. It's after midnight.

Jax: They ARE in bed.

Jared: Think. Again.

Jax: Son of a... *hangs up


It's Christmas morning, and Madoc and family have come over to Jared and Tate's. But they're still sleeping.


Tate: *groans* *still asleep*

Madoc: GET UP!!

Jared: *lifts head off pillow* I'm going to fuck him up. What time is it?

Tate: *moans, reaches over and cuddles* Ignore him. Come back here.

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