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Here are the last few lines of the Chapter 19-A from last week:

"Good morning, Jean-who-is-not-French. I'm Doctor Goldberg." He extended a hand in greeting. "We met when I was here visiting with Doctor Oberon several months ago."

Jean shook his hand. "Oui, I remember. How are you?" It was not what he wanted to ask, but it was polite.

"I'm fine, thanks," Goldberg said pleasantly. "I came to see how you're doing this morning. I actually saw you last night when they brought you in, but I know you don't remember any of that."

"Where is Mi—Doctor Oberon, please?"

Goldberg looked away from Jean's face and busied himself with reading the chart at the foot of the bed. "I assume she is at home, resting," he said, too casually. "I understand she's taking some personal leave. Let's take a look at that leg, shall we?"

Now, enjoy the remainder of the chapter:  Chapter 19-B, "SUBSTITUTION."

~o~  ~o~  ~o~  ~o~  

Jean made no sound as Goldberg unwrapped the elastic bandages and set aside the cold packs shrouding the left knee

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Jean made no sound as Goldberg unwrapped the elastic bandages and set aside the cold packs shrouding the left knee. Goldberg poked and prodded and manipulated the knee.

Jean flinched, sucked air, but said nothing.

Goldberg replaced the bandages, this time without the cold packs. "We'll get some heat on that today. Might make you more comfortable."


"We took x-rays and an MRI last night," Goldberg said. "I just came from meeting with the specialists who read the pictures. We all agree that if you want to retain any range of motion in the joint, we need to schedule you for surgery this afternoon. Tomorrow morning at the latest. The first 48 hours is the golden window. Every day we wait beyond that means the repairs will be less effective."

Jean looked at the doctor as if he had suggested blowing up the Lincoln Memorial at noon on July 4th. "You want to operate on Michel's knee?"

"Yes. That's the short version, yes."

"What did Michel say about it?"

"Well, ahm, nothing," Goldberg answered honestly. "She's not here. I can try to reach her, if you like. But, if you just want a second opinion, there are other doctors—"

"Merci," Jean interrupted, "but I do not want other doctors' opinions. I want the opinion of Doctor Oberon."

"Perfectly understandable," Goldberg said, nodding. "I'll try to reach Doctor Oberon. But, I have to stress that time is of the essence if you want the best result. What if I can't reach Doctor Oberon before tomorrow morning?"

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