Chapter 26: RECONNECTION, Pt. 1

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Jean is about to reconnect with some people he hasn't seen in a while: Iturralde Iglesias, Frank Stone, and Mitchell Oberon. One of them wants Jean dead. What do the others want?

Enjoy chapter 26, part 1, "Reconnection," in this installment of DUBY'S DOCTOR.

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Iturralde Iglesias had been biding his time and fighting boredom for nearly three months

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Iturralde Iglesias had been biding his time and fighting boredom for nearly three months. He had determined that Carinne Averell now ran a legitimate corporation and that she was far too well guarded to be an easy target for his revenge.

Very well. He was an adult; he could learn to overlook a mere childish display of disrespect from Carinne. What else was to be expected from the coddled daughter of a rich man. She was a product of her upbringing. Iglesias could be magnanimous and forgive her for laughing at him.

He never considered that the mental image he had formed of Carinne ridiculing him had been constructed wholly in his own mind. At any rate, revenge against the girl was off the table, especially since she was completely out of his reach.

 At any rate, revenge against the girl was off the table, especially since she was completely out of his reach

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The ex-bodyguard was a different story. The man who lived aboard the Do Bee 2 had once actually laid hands on Iturralde Iglesias! The lout had blindsided Iglesias in an unguarded moment and taken advantage of him in a shameful way, leaving him soaking in Biscayne Bay in an expensive hand-tailored suit, miles from home, in the middle of the night! In Mirador, bigger men had died for smaller offenses, simply because Iturralde Iglesias gave the order.

Yes, the bodyguard would die for his disrespect. As soon as Iglesias could catch the man on dry land and unawares, the man's death was guaranteed. Iglesias would execute the offender with his own hands – since he no longer had an army taking his orders. Iglesias was no marksman, but he would be close enough to his victim that his aim would not matter at all.

Before murdering the rude oaf, however, Iglesias had a use for him. Many afternoons playing dominoes in the parks of Little Havana, with Cuban ex-patriots, had provided Iglesias with some information and many ideas.

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