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On the third day following the raid on Averell's mansion, Jean alternated between periods of twilight-consciousness (due to painkillers) and periods of near-explosive agitation (when the meds wore off long enough for him to become alert).

Hector recalled the early days of Jean's first hospitalization, when Hector wore protective gear to deliver food to Jean's room, and when inanimate objects often became abstract art splashed across the walls. Jean wasn't that bad this time, but he wasn't happy, and he certainly wasn't peaceful.

At mid-morning, Doctor Goldberg even had a serious talk with Jean about his attitude. Nurse Erskine peeped in the door at one point, to bring in a fresh water carafe, but she backed out, and stayed out, when she realized both men were shedding tears. (This caused serious psychological realignment for a nurse who had been trained to treat doctors—especially those of Goldberg's caliber—as gods.)

Goldberg and Jean had a frank discussion about Mitchell and the relationship Jean had tried to cultivate with her. They agreed that Jean could not force Mitchell to do or to feel something against her will—even if Jean was certain she would be happier doing as he wished. Both men grieved the loss of Jean's hopes, but Jean was forced to accept that he might never see Mitchell Oberon again. And, he might never know exactly why.

Both men were more sanguine when they parted, and Nurse Erskine could find no evidence of weeping on either man's face when Goldberg left the room and she passed him on her way in. She delivered fresh ice water for Jean's bedside table, fluffed his pillows, adjusted his linens, brought him his over-bed table and sketching materials. Like a mother hen, she fussed around until she felt her chick was as safe and comfortable as possible, for the time being. Then, with a comforting smile, she left.

Just before lunchtime, Dan Kavanaugh sneaked five-year-old Debbie into Jean's room for a visit, which lifted Jean's spirits considerably

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Just before lunchtime, Dan Kavanaugh sneaked five-year-old Debbie into Jean's room for a visit, which lifted Jean's spirits considerably. They delivered get-well wishes from the nuns and students at St. Luke's Daycare, where Debbie attended the after-school program, now that she was in K-5 morning classes in public school.

Jean showed Debbie his colored pencils and sketchpad. He set her to work drawing a picture for him, and while she was thus engaged, he motioned Dan closer to the bed. Dan leaned over, and Jean said very softly, "I need to ask you for a favor."


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