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"What? " Stanley asks.

"You look like a frog. A bull frog"

Stanley smile evilly.

"Then you're the frog princess, you should kiss me so that I will be normal again "

He spread his arms as if waiting to be embraced and put a kissing gesture. Hazel just laughs and run away leaving Stanley standing there. Stanley open his eyes just to notice Hazel was running. Obviously waiting for him to catch her.

"Hey " he says while smiling. He run after her. The burst of laughter echoes while the sun is setting down. The day signifies happiness and yet it is already finished. The night has yet to come.The moon shines brightly as Hazel and Stanley is preparing for the inevitable. Hazel watch it with dread. How could it shine brightly while it is sorrounded by darkness. Does it signifies hope? Is it suppose to say that there is hope no matter how dark the situation is? Or yet does it say in every brightness there's darkness looming? The roared of the engine pushed Hazel back to reality. Stanley is already leaving.

" Stanley! "

Hazel shouts as she ran towards the leaving car. The car stops and she hears Stanley is laughing. He hop out of the car and face her.

" Not funny " she snapped.

" I thought you're gonna wear a tribal clothes and start dancing around the moon. " Hazel put her hands on his hips and shakes his head vigorously.

" And uh, I forgot , " Stanley says while laughing.

" You should paint yourself too, I wonder what you look like. " Hazel started to walk.But Stanley grabs her wrist.

" Sorry, " he stay. But hazel can see he's trying not to laugh. He still imagining Hazel as a tribal dancer. Hazel just go to the car and they went home.

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