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" There was some things in life that's not worth fighting ". Hazel thought as she saw the guard sleeping. Maybe the guard fought the drowsiness he felt but it's not enough. From the distance, she can see the old fashion style of their school, mostly it was made of wood. The booths that they used earlier are still lined up in the field. With enough reasons in her hand she then decided to barge in. The atmosphere inside their school is much colder than the outside. It seems unusual. She got a feeling that she made a mistake going in here. She definitely don't want to see a ghost. Shaking, she click open her life support, the flashlight. Hazel yelps as the flashlight illuminated the walls. She get used of this familiar hallway but it seems....different. The walls morph like forming a face. It stares at Hazel and mouth get out. She suddenly turn off her flashlight. Ofcourse it was just her imagination. There's no way the wall would suddenly become a face. But still it was eerily quiet, she didn't hear a thing. She wonder if suddenly she become a deaf. She groped for the walls and let it guide her way.

Something moves behind her, she was sure of it. She turns back but there was nothing. Just a pit of blackness around her. She continue walking. But she was sure there was someone at her back. Their town are full of arsonists. Every year their was a burning establishment. Maybe they did it just for fun. But its not funny especially now. Her heart started to pound, getting faster and faster as she get nearer to the stairs. She didn't want to confirm her suspicions,maybe it was just the guard. Checking the school premises. At last she reach the stairs, she looked back to make sure no one is following her.

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