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Is it really happening? Hazel ponder. She pushed the thought aside. As she reels beside Stanley she forget just about anything. It's going to be alright. It's going to be......by the look on Stanley's face,....she knows ....she doesn't want to know. She can't stand seeing Stanley that way. He's always full of energy. But now.....he tried to smile and she knows ,it taking the toll out of him....

" Hazel,........" his voice trails off and he cough....

" Promise me, promise you will get out of here, "

" No! I will stay here with you, we will stay together " Stanley try to raised his hand, he gently touch Hazel lips.

" No ," he says weakly " Pursue your dreams, our dreams. " There's blood now spurting in his lips.

" No. Stanley we will get out of here alive.Come. " She tries to help Stanley to stand up but Stanley wince....

" You know I can't " he motioned to the metal bar protruding from his stomach. Hazel eyes widen..

" No, " she gasp. Stanley wince and smile.

" Iam glad I got to die with you "

" Stanley ,what are you saying?! You're not going to die!..Not like this.... " tears started falling from her cheeks...Stanley wiped them..

" You got to go now. Say your promise " he looked at her seriously.

" Stanley........." Hazel could just barely look at him in the eyes. She know that stare. Stanley was dead serious...

" I..............I......" she can't form the words. As if saying those words will means goodbye..

" There must be something, " Hazel look around frantically..

" Hazel " Stanley said taking a deep breath..And Hazel realize that he's not taking a deep breath...He's summoning all of his energy to talk to her.

" Promise me " he says weakly..

" I.....I....pro.......I promise " Hazel said while wiping her tears...

Stanley smile and when he open his eyes he glared at Hazel and shouted

" GO! "

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