Eight Letters. Three Words - Ch. 4

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Chapter Four

I Spaced Out, I wasn't Starring

I find it stupid when people walk into their house and scream, "I'm here!" It just gives me the urge to turn around and say, "No shit, Sherlock!"

One of the all so typical movie lines; the girl enters her house and calls out, only to find that no one answers back. Which translates to; her parents are lying dead on the kitchen.

I slumped my bag against the nearby wall, the faded black with purple stains of paint contrasting against my mom's light grey colored wall. The entire house was grey, except for the kitchen, it was silver. Or what it looks to me, a metallic shade of grey.

I sometimes wished my room could be different. It wasn't, it followed my mother's boring color patterns. Grey walls, a circular bed with purple and silver sheets, and my so called study table with my laptop. Absolutely no posters, no pin-ups, no nothing. Only some framed black and white photos on the wall next to the window, in which Leela, Ethan, and I were smiling to the camera. The only thing that brought colour to my room was a white colored dent on the wall.

It had happened when I’d lost my temper and hurled the brush against it. Or at least that's what I told my mother afterwards when I had to explain the dent that was now a permanent decoration in my room.

I ambled my way trying to avoid knocking down the large piles of books scattered around my room, plopping my self in front of the computer screen trying to avoid looking at the homework which stared back at me pointedly.

Leaning against the back of my chair I scanned through my Facebook notifications. The vibrating sound of my phone distracted me. I pulled my phone out hastily, and glanced at Leela's image smiling back at me, I sighed.

"You better have a good explanation to what it was that you were doing on the football field, after class, with Dylan!" she practically yelled.

"I'm guessing that you're alone right?" Leela's parents were strict on her when having to use the phone, she nearly ever was able to answer any calls and most of my conversations with her had to be done by chat or postponed until school next day.

"My mom went to buy some crap, and thank god she took Alec with her,"

Alec was Leela's brother, a four year old cutie who was able to pinch like hell to get what he wants.

"I'm still waiting for you to answer me you know?" she reminded me.

“You’re crazy, I feel like you’re spying on me. I was just thrown to the ground by sweaty lump of meat," My tone grew indignant as I ended my explanation trying to let Leela hear the disgusted edge of my voice.

"Awww" she cooed, "Cute."

"You’ve got issues,”

She was laughing at the other end, "Well Ethan sure did make it sound more interesting, I guess I'll be sticking to his version."

"You both have issues,” I mumbled, setting the phone on speaker as I trashed around the floor looking for the English notebook.

"And as we’re talking about Dylan, remember Amanda Wilkins?"


"The brunette junior who's in the art club? Gosh Chloe! You know that she and Dylan had a thing. Well, today while you ditched me in the locker room with all the guys, I over heard some of them saying how they happened to break up,"

I stopped searching for the book glanced at the phone lying on the desk, and laughed, really laughed. "Why are you so interested in other people’s business?" I asked her.

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