Eight Letters. Three Words - Ch. 6

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Chapter Six

The Ass-lete


"Shake your tails and do the spin!" That was pretty much all they were doing, I thought. As I caught a glimpse of a cheerleader's bright green underwear as she decided to do an improvised split. Shaking, shaking, and more shaking, anything to try in a futile attempt to distract Coach Davis and the rest of the gathering audience from the fact that minutes before the game, our incompetent group of so called cheerleaders still didn't have any choreography prepared.

Not that I was in the least bit interested, it was just that for gods sake, they were representing my school as well! It would be their pompous asses, what people would think of when they hear Rams High.

"Pretty cute, right?" Ethan's eyes were like an eagle's looking for any glimpse of exposed skin, anything to satiate his bubbling hormones.

"I bet you can find a cheaper version of them around a curve on the road."

Leela burst out laughing as Ethan's eyes narrowed in my direction he didn't like anyone insulting his girls, if you could refer to them as such.

I still couldn't understand what it had been that had made my social-events-hater sub-personality come to what everyone referred to as The Game. I recall it all started with the nerve-racking sound of my Skype's ring tone and Leela's heavy eyed face popping into the screen.

"I want it to scream SEXY," she had explained, posing from the other side of the laptop screen.

"In my opinion,” I had said, “I think it screams, FREE SEX."

She huffed, taking off the costume that she was planning to wear for tonight's game.

Half her body was obscured by the wide blue doors of her wardrobe but I could still make out her jumbled words as she screamed, "What are you going to wear then?"

"You know I'm not going Leela,"

"I find it stupid that you're not. I know that we have gone over this a gazillion times but I am still unable to understand why you don't like to go anymore."

"What's the point? Watching how a group of dim-witted guys kick a ball, and how their artificial girlfriends cheer for them? I believe not."

There was silence at the other end, and even though I had my back turned towards the screen I knew perfectly well that Leela was giving me the look.

"Ethan would like you to be there," and saying that, she hanged up, leaving me wondering if maybe I really didn't want to go after all.

"We're on in two minutes!" said Ethan his blond hair waving back and forth as he jogged on the spot.

Leela smiled. "You do realize that moving like that minutes before the game, won't do much right?"

Ethan smirked and leaned towards Leela, to whisper in her ear. "I like to give the ladies something to look at."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "You're impossible.”

I tuned them out, my eyes darting towards the bowing cheerleaders who with bright smiles plastered on their faces, bowed and skipped merrily towards the other side of the court. I felt the heat of a body scarce centimeters away from me, and whispered to the body behind me;

"Don't you dare to say it."

Dylan chuckled, his breath tickling the back of my neck. "Say what Chloe?"

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