Eight Letters. Three Words - Ch. 5

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Chapter Five

Burned Milk and Dippers

I like to believe I’m funny. I mean how cool is it to sit in the back of a classroom, clicking away a musical pen and having the teacher in front of you discreetly taping their pockets thinking it's their phone? Well yes, if you put it that way, it's not really funny in the least.

"He’s going to find someone’s fooling with him,” whispered Leela, as her hand scribbled the last minute notes from the board.

I clicked the pen again, the chirping voice of the High School Musical singer made some of the nearby students laugh softly as Mr. Arkwood checked his cell phone for the fifth time already.

My laughing was able to make Leela knock over her bottle of Tip-ex. A white stain now decorated her flawless page. She huffed, her brown curls bouncing around her face. I stopped for a moment and contemplated her, her light coffee colored skin flushed with annoyance, her eyes big and brown surveying the damaged I caused to her notes. She once again brushed her hair out of her face; the curls like soft springs, bouncing back into position.

"Whoever's cell phone has been ringing during the entire class, could they please turn it off before they see themselves going to the office?" Mr. Arkwood's voice was like a bucket of cold water over me, instantly I realized the song had been playing for a few minutes already.

"Like I said, he realized," Leela reminded using her smartass tone.

I looked at her, feeling a tiny smile creep onto my face.


16:17 read Ethan's digital watch hanging loosely from my wrist. I was seven minutes late to the talk with Principal Hedger; not that it bothered me in any way. I was quite tranquil walking down the corridors, passing by peoples lockers... in other words wasting time. My black backpack was unconsciously hitting people as I trotted towards the office, swaying against my back lightly due to the scarce amount of books it was holding.

The door to the office was cold against my hands; pushing it open I planted a charming smile on my face.

"Good afternoon," I nodded my head to the secretary, her blond bun bobbing up and down as she typed fast on the keyboard.

Her small brown eyes looked at me disapprovingly, "Miss. Foster, Principle Hedger has been waiting for you," huffing she went back to her typing, as a small chuckle escaped my lips while turning the handle to the office.

"I want to explain that I arrived fashionably late, I believe that is a good enough excuse.”

Mr. Hedger was in his chair, a faint smile on his lips as he pretended to not find what I’d just said amusing. However, as soon as my eyes scanned the room, I noticed a figure sitting in front of Principal Hedger, copper hair faintly spiked up, bag lying gingerly on the floor and a amused expression on his dark grey eyes. I faltered.

"How good of you to finally join us Chloe," spoke Dylan.

I was still gaping as I made my way towards the vacant seat.

"Make yourself comfortable Miss. Foster, what we are discussing here is of maximum concern; you Miss. Foster are in peril of not being able to graduate next year,”

Talking as if you were right out of one of those medieval movies isn't in my opinion the best way to gain a teenagers attention so fighting my eyes as these continued to inwardly close I nodded in agreement to whatever the principal was going on about.

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