Chapter Six

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"It's been three days," I told Jane, on the border of panicking. "George hasn't called or texted in three days. What does this mean? What if he's dead! What if Lydia was right...he's probably banging a different chick every night!" I fell onto the pillows of Jane's bed, mock-crying dramatically.

"I'm sure he's just busy." Jane offered. "Although anything I say to try to comfort you will be distrusted since I 'always think the best out of people'." She gave me a knowing look. I sighed.

"Okay, but in all honesty," I started. "Do you really think I'm overreacting?"

"Yes." Jane said sweetly. "I do. But I can see how much you like him, which is really sweet. I haven't seen a guy do this to you in a really long time."

"Thanks, Jane." I said, recovering a bit. "So how's Charlie?" I nudged her playfully on the shoulder and she rolled her eyes, hiding a smirk.

"He's good. He invited me to dinner tonight." She smiled sweetly, and then looked over at me, a torn expression on her face. "He actually wants you to come too."

"Me? Why me?"

"Well, I told him how close we are, and he just wants to get to know you better." There was an almost expectant look on her face.

"It's not just with him, is it?"

"It's also his sister." I nodded, encouraging her to go on so I could shout "NO!" at her invitation.

"And it's also-"


"Yes! Please, Lizzie! This is important to me!"

"No more Darcy! I will not have it!"

"You're leaving me no choice, Elizabeth Rebecca Bennet." Jane said using her serious voice. I raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and she continued. "You have to come because we're sisters. I've done countless favors for you and never asked for anything in return! Until now."

"Oh, my poor, saintly sister." I sassed.

"Yes, your poor, saintly sister is asking one thing of you and you're refusing me. Do you know how that makes me feel?" Of every member of my family, Jane had by far the best puppy-dog eyes impression. She could make any one of us in the family do anything. It was a good thing she only used her powers for good.


"Fine." I sighed. "God, how many times will I have to endure Darcy, all for your sake?"

"Hopefully for a very, very long time." Jane said modestly. She looked up at me sheepishly, a small smile on her face.

"You really like this guy, don't you?"

"Yes, Lizzie. I do."

"Just make sure he doesn't hurt you. I've never seen you so...You say you've never seen me so love-struck over a guy, but you're the one going on about forever! I'd hate to see you get hurt." She promised to be careful, and then took me shopping for something to wear to dinner. Apparently my hoodies and plain T-shirts weren't good enough for dinner with the Bingley's. And one Darcy.

When we got back home from shopping, Jane and I were surprised to see our mother stomping around Jane's room with a can of bug spray. Of all the odd things we have walked in on our mother doing, this was definitely in the top ten.

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