Chapter Thirty-One

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"There have been rumors circulating all over town." My mother began at the kitchen table, handing each of us plates of eggs, bacon, and English muffins. I could hardly wait for what my mother's next dose of drama would be. As long as it was nothing as serious or painful as what Lydia had just undergone.

"What are the neighbors saying this time, mom?" I asked sassily. "Did another rich, single, man swoop in to buy another mansion just as expensive as the one in Netherfield Park?"

"It's funny you should bring up Netherfield," My mother said, a sly smile on her lips. "Since two of its past residences are currently moving back in this morning."

Three events transpired simultaneously: Jane choked on her eggs, I spilled coffee on myself, and someone knocked on our front door. I looked up at my mother horrifyingly, praying to god that I didn't know who was behind the front door.

No such luck. I can predict this with certainty now.

Everything that had happened over the past month and a half had made me completely forget that Charlie had told me he was considering moving back here. Had I thought it was a good idea?

"Lizzie, would you be a dear and see who's at the front door." My mother requested of me. It was so typical of my mother to ask me to answer the door right after I've spilled something on myself.

When I opened the door, I was unsurprised to see Charlie and Darcy behind it. Charlie was holding a bouquet of pale pink roses and had a too-wide smile planted on his face. Darcy was trying mighty hard to look bored, but the crease in his eyebrows gave him away. They were both as nervous as Jane and I were.

I bet I was quite the scene to be taken in as well, what with my coffee-stained white pajama top and sweatpants.

"Why am I not surprised to see you two here?" I said more to myself.

"I'm terribly sorry, we should've called first." Charlie started, tumbling off apologies as if it were second nature. "I told Darcy we should've called first, but by then we were already at the florist and-"

"It's no trouble at all, Charlie." I said, unable to hide my smirk at how adorably nervous he was. I moved out of the way to hold the door open for them and added, "Come on in."

The boys followed me in through the living room, where everyone else had now moved into, along with their breakfast plates. Breakfast and a show was the new dinner and a show. Apparently. My father looked up at us amusedly, and my mother was trying awfully hard not to jump up and down in her place, complete glee written on her face. Lydia was gazing at Charlie with narrowed eyes.

Jane was wide-eyed.

"Hi, Jane." Charlie said when Jane got up from the couch to greet him. There was something familiar about the way he looked at her. It was if she were the only one standing in the room. "It's been-"

Not at all unlike The Jane Face.

"A while." Jane finished for him. I could see the inner struggle behind her eyes. They both needed to talk. About everything. "Hi, Charlie." She smiled coyly up at him. He returned it.

"This is such an unexpected visit, Charles." My mother began, shaking Charlie's hand. "And it's nice to see you again as well, William." She added curtly before turning back to Charlie. "It's been quite a long time since you've been here, Charles. Doesn't my daughter Jane look prettier than the last time you laid eyes on her?"

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