Chapter Eighteen

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"So how did the job hunt go?" I asked Charlotte over our dinner of nuggets and fries from that McDonald's down the street. She had brought back food for us from there as a joke, although my obsession for those fries was no laughing matter.

"It was not nearly as interesting as Darcy's unexpected appearance here was." She told me. I was in no mood to talk about that pompous ass. Although she did have a point. I would be wondering about that visit all night. "What did he even say?"

"Not much." I told her with a shrug. "I thought he was looking for Richard or something."

"Was he?"

"I don't think so..." I trailed off as I munched on a fry. I had thought that that guy hated me as much as I hated him. If he was coming by to see me, what could it possibly have been for?

"Weird." She took a bite off a nugget and shrugged. There wasn't much to say about this odd occurrence.

But there was a lot to think about.

I woke up the next day and realized I had completely forgotten about the list I was making. I scoured Charlotte's guest bedroom for the legal pad in vain. That's when I realized I had left it on the coffee table in the living room.

When I entered the living room, Charlotte and Fitz were on the couch laughing at something. It was what I had feared most from first losing that thing.

They were laughing at my pro and con list.

"You know, I don't know her that well," Fitz said, clearly missing my entrance into the room. "But I can't help feeling like that con list should be longer." Charlotte erupted into a fit of giggles when I cleared my throat. They both stopped short and looked up at me.

Then they started laughing even harder.

"I'll take that, thank you very much." I said, snatching the list from Charlotte's hand. I threw it through the ajar door of my guest bedroom from where I was standing and then made my way into the kitchen to make some coffee. If I was going to be made fun of all day by Charlotte and Fitz, I should at least have the energy to deal with it.

"Oh come on," Charlotte called after me. "Don't take it so personally. I know my list would've looked similar." They both followed me into the kitchen where I gave them both glares of death.

"Pfft." Was my only response.

"Let me make it up to you." Fitz started. "We can go out to breakfast at that coffee shop you like a couple blocks down from here. My treat."

"It's gonna take a lot more than a free breakfast for you to make it up to me, Fitzgerald." I told him with a glower.

"I'll buy you a new book." Charlotte offered.

"Now you're talkin'."

"I hope you'll choose something a bit less idealistic this time, Lizzie Bennet." Fitz told me as we perused the shelves of some secondhand bookstore. The smell of old books and coffee brewing wafted its way towards me, making me feel at home more so than my real one did.

"Like The Hunger Games?" I proposed.

"Excellent choice."

"Too bad I already read the series." I pulled a copy of Twilight off the shelf and handed it to Fitz. "What about this?"

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