Coby: Love letter

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"Have you heard the rumors?" You barely heard someone whisper around you, as you walked around. "They say that some pirates docked here this morning." The hushed whispering continued, but you weren't especially paying attention. Sure, it was an important notice that pirates were in your island, but still you weren't one who liked to overhear. 

Pirates. You had never seen one. With all this about the Great Pirate Age it was almost the only topic that haunted the newspapers. Since you were little your older sister, the only family member you had left, had told you that pirates weren't civilized people, and that you should never meet one. Not that you wanted to, either. 

You tried to calmly make your way to the grocery. If you were lucky, you wouldn't find those pirates. The grocery wasn't so close to the docks, but if it was true that they arrived that morning, they would surely be wandering around the small town. 

Repressing a relieved sigh when you saw the shop, you headed inside and started looking for the ingredients your sister needed. You weren't a really good cook, to be honest, so the older girl always made food while you handled the cleaning. It sounded fair for you both. 

The place wasn't as crowded as usually. Maybe it was because of the pirates. Seriously, pirates never came to this island, so the inhabitants looked kinda affected by the notice. As fast as you could, you bought everything you needed, from bread to tomatoes, and exited the shop, almost hugging the bag with the groceries for dear life. 

The streets had suddenly become too silent too. It wasn't so quiet before, and you were starting to freak out, just a bit. Picking up your pace, you headed to your house, which hopefully wasn't too far away. 

But you felt your heart skip a beat, before starting a fast and strong rhythm, when you heard footsteps behind you. Your mouth went dry, and you couldn't help but shudder when, as you at some point started to run, the footsteps were coming closer, stronger.

And you practically felt your heart stop when two rough arms wrapped themselves around your much smaller figure. The bag you were carrying fell to the floor, some of the bloody-red apples you had bought rolling from it. The first thought that came to your mind was scream, but a smelly and dirty hand was covering your mouth, preventing any sound that could escape it. Hot tears started to gather at the corners of your eyes as you were dragged, probably to an alley. 

"Soru." A soft voice called from behind you, followed by a strange sound. Suddenly, a young boy appeared just above you, and punched the pirate which held you captive right in the face. The seemingly bigger and stronger man stumbled backwards, his grip around your torso loosening, before a loud thud was heard, and you were set free. 

Immediately, you turned around and saw the pirate, a man in his old forties, with a really bloodied nose, eyes had rolled to the back of his head. This man was, apparently, the captain. You gasped when more of his men appeared from afar and started running towards you, battle cries pouring from their poorly cared mouthes. However, the boy that had defeated the captain stepped right beside you, patted your shoulder softly and smiled at you before disappearing with the same strange sound you heard before. 

Appearing again in front of the crowd of angry men, he just started kicking and punching each one of them, until they were all laying on the ground. Letting out a sigh, he turned around and started walking towards you. Not able to move, you just stared as he politely smiled at you, although concern was written all over his face.

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