"Luna, you're not pregnant yet?"

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Where is she?

'Blake, I found Kayden'

'Nason? Where is she?'

'She's underground, the rogues took her. She's slightly passed the border. You'll see a few wolves they're from my pack. I've already alerted them that your pack warriors will be coming'

'Thank you so much Nason.'

I cut of the mind link and told Matthew to ask the warriors to be ready in 2 minutes.

I ran up and took an extra short before looking in the mirror and whispered "I'm getting you back"

I went outside and saw everyone was ready

"Shift and run to the border" I ordered.

I shifted and Seb took over.


Finally I'm getting my baby girl back.

I ran as the rest of the warriors followed me.

'Run faster' I ordered them and sped my self.

~6 minutes later~

We finally reached the border. My eyes scanned to find some wolves that Nason told me.

'Alpha 11 o'clock'

I looked to where one of the warriors told me to look and found wolves.

I ran towards them and they saw us coming they bowed in respect and let us through.

I quickly shifted and wore my pants.

I came in and saw a dagger pierced into Kayden's neck.

That son of a bitch.

"Get off her, asshole"

She looked up and smiled at me her eyes filled with hope and happiness.

She hissed a little as he pierced even deeper

Not soon after she blacked out and that's when I lost it.

I shifted not caring that I tore my pants and lunged at him he let go of Kayden and shifted as well.

Kayden's head hit the floor with a lot of force and that made my blood boil more.

I bit his neck hard and tore it off.

He cried in pain and quiet down.

He better not be dead.

I turned around and saw my pack and Nason's pack fighting the rogues.

I went to Kayden and tried waking her up with my snout.

I shifted and thanked God that I brought extra pants.

I quickly wore it and carried Kayden.

I looked around and saw Matthew and mind linked him to bring that asshole to the dungeon dead or alive.

~10 minutes later at the pack hospital~

"Doctor!" I shouted.


"Help my mate, hurry!"

"Yes Alpha"

The doctor called a few nurses and put her on a kind of bed (A/N I'm sorry I don't know what it's called 😂)

They took her to the emergency ward.

~2 hours later~

Everyone was here.

Her parents.






And they're all worried sick about her.

Not soon after the doctor came out.

"Don't worry Alpha. She's fine now and awake you can visit her."

I nodded and went inside.


"Blake, I missed you so much"

I walked towards her and kissed her.

"I missed you too"

A nurse came in and asked Kayden.

"U-um Luna? You're not pregnant yet?"

Kayden was drinking water when she heard that and started choking.

I patted her back to help her.

Once she was ok she said

"Nope I'm not"

She nodded and went.

"Where's Justin?"

I growled and said "Who is Justin?"

"He's in the hospital. He getting better and eating and drinking as well"

I turned around and saw Nason.

She smiled at him.

"Who is Justin baby girl?" I said trying to contain my jealousy.

"Someone I met at the dungeons. He helped me a little at there"

A smile came over my face and I felt a little relieved.

~3 weeks later~

"Baby? I need you to get ready I'm taking you out on a date"

"A date?" Kayden said sounding excited.


"Yes baby a date and you can go with Sandra and Alice for shopping" he chuckled and winked at me.

"Alright, I love you"

"I love you too baby"

I got ready and saw Sandra, Alice and Justin? Waiting for me.

"Justin, you're tagging along?"

"Yup, Alpha's orders"


"Yes baby" I turned around and hugged the owner of the voice.

"Thank you!!!"

Me and Justin got very close to each other and Blake accepted him in the pack.

Justin hasn't found his mate yet but he sure is looking forward to.

We went outside and picked a car and when we were done Justin took the driver's seat while Sandra, Alice and I was fighting for the front seat.

"I book shotgun!" I said

"No! I want shotgun" Alice said

"No I want it!" Sandra said

"Ok why don't you settle this with rock-paper-scissors?" Justin said

We looked at him and nodded

"Rock-paper-scissors" we said together and looked at our hands.

Sandra and Alice were paper while I was scissors

"Yes!! I won" I said and stuck out my tongue.

I sat at the front seat while they sat at the back.

Justin then drove off.

#there you go another chapter enjoy!!


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