"Xuanlong, Steel and Fang" by CrestFallenStar

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Summary: ' Soldiers are a common theme in a war torn empire Lihua lives in, so when her parents arrange a marriage for her to a poor soldier who has nothing on his name and nothing to offer her, she isn't the surprised. A women's job is marry and have children, so Lihua doesn't expect much from her betrothed. However, her husband-to-be is possibly destined to greater things and a single thing is all it takes to rise as a Xianglong.

Author: CrestFallenStar

Rate: 100/100

Status: ongoing

Comment: Shout out to all my history fiction lovers. But even if you're not this one will still become one of you're favorite. And unlike other stories where their love partner has already 'risen to the top,' this one you'll actually see the beginning and start of a new dynasty.

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