"Forever in His Debt" by slyvia_young

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Summary: When debt is owned to the royal family, it is never forgotten.
Ezra goes into town with the intention of taking everything from the family that owned his, but feels an undeniable pull to their daughter that could only mean one thing- the mate he refuse to confront, for his heart belong to another.

But the Prince finds that she can, in fact, give him something he wants... an heir to the throne.
The deal was a child.
An arrange marriage that would yield no feelings.
After the baby was born, she'd be free.
Falling in love wasn't part of the deal.
What she doesn't know is the future King can only conceive an heir out of love, and not a debt.

Author: slyvia_young

Status: Sadly it was deleted by the author

Rate: 95/100

Comment: This is also another great book. Spoiler, you'll hate the male lead but love him at the same time. The plot is amazing. And although she hasn't release the ending, I have a feeling it's not going to be a happy ending. So make sure you prepare a box of tissue.

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